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Star Trek Trivia Session 30


Live Star Trek Trivia Countdown:

Session Completed

----- Thanks for coming everyone! -----

It was fun. :)


Brought to you by Slug-o-Cola; the slimiest cola in the galaxy!



Our thirtieth official Star Trek trivia chat room session is being held Saturday, January 22, at 4:00PM US/Eastern-Time. It will be the first chat room trivia session to kick in the New Year of 2005! Hope you come!


Vote for the official Star Trek chat room trivia session #31's sponsor HERE.



Upcoming "TREK-NEWS-TALK" Chats:

Alexandre O. Philippe Chat Rescheduled to 02/12/05 @ 4:00PM EST

Jeff Ayers Chat Rescheduled to 02/05/05 @ 5:00PM EST


I'm really sorry everyone for yet another rescheduling on a "TREK-NEWS-TALK" guest chat here at It has just been the cards that I have been dealt.


Just yesterday Alexandre learned that he has to travel to Nevada to scout for locations for his next film this weekend. This can not be helped. We will have to reschedule the chat to Saturday, February 12, 2005 at 4:00PM EST.


I really want to apologize, but that's how it goes. Alexandre and I do hope and would appreciative if all of you will try to make the time to come to the rescheduled chat. We understand the inconvenience, but hope you come and make a good turnout. --master_q



Alexandre O. Philippe is the director of "Earthlings: Ugly Bags of Mostly Water." "Earthlings" is a comical documentary that captures the life, passions, and quirks of the members of the Klingon Language Institute. It examines the interplay between culture and language, communication and emotion, and the rather delicate line between reality and fiction.


Jeff Ayers is in the process of writing a book for Pocket, on the forty-year history of professionally published Star Trek fiction. He has been trying to track down authors of both novels and short stories, and uncover "the stories behind the stories." It is scheduled to be released in July 2006, to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the series.





Official Trivia Winners & Promotions!




1st Place


+100 points

[total of 3406.25 points]


David R. George III

+100 points

[total of 1594 points]



+100 points

[total of 1312 points]


2nd Place

The King

+92 points

[total of 325.5 points]




Trivia Promotions


Admiral Essoq

[total of 767.5 points]


Admiral Odie

[total of 760.5 points]


Vice-Admiral Spockstellaiter

[total of 555 points]


Commander The King

[total of 325.5 points]


Lt. Commander RikerChick

[total of 168 points]




Well Done Everybody !! :P



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