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Scaleman's Retreat

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Hmm, just wondering why we can't really say anything politcal based on the site anymore, and don't really want to join another one just to talk politics.


Heard my dad scream afer finding a wolf spider watching "House of Rock" on his knee (the spider got sent flying and took cover under a chair). Makes me wonder how many creatures are fascinated by TV anyways, since we had a couple tortoises and a couple turtles at one time that also watched TV.


Been contemplating for a few months now if i want to "release" an eBooklet i've made that attempts to resolve technical issues in star trek here, or anywhere else.

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I think we can talk politics if we want we just need to go to Kronos. I'm not sure though you might ask one of the mods. :b-day:


My bird watches TV allot. I think they are more intersted in the sounds than anything else but who knows?

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Fail to see why people take these debates seriously. I mean, several years of history and people think the "information" in of a few hours is a better determinate?


Getting iritated with this internet idiocy. Just don't understand why something as simple as a modification of the FTP (File Transfer Protocol), which is the least expensive way to give the masses increased internet speed, isn't being utilized.


Also wondering what happened to family movies. Did people no longer want to make movies a whole family can watch or what? :b-day:

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Heard my dad scream afer finding a wolf spider watching "House of Rock" on his knee (the spider got sent flying and took cover under a chair). Makes me wonder how many creatures are fascinated by TV anyways, since we had a couple tortoises and a couple turtles at one time that also watched TV.






So you had a wolf spider in your house? I kid you not , but in a previous house, I found a wolf spider on the wall by the bathroom, and this baby was the size of a dinner plate! Well, I wasn't going to let a mere spider keep me out of the toilet, so I grabbed one of its legs (they are not poisonous) and put it in a jar to show the kids later. Before I plopped it in, the darn thing bit me!! EEEEEEE! It felt like two tiny needles in my fingertip. I don't think I would try that again. :b-day:

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I am so sick and tired of this crud, we need a COMPLETE and TOTAL revitalization of this country's infrastructure. Our data and communications, power transmission, construction, transportation and food systems are SECOND RATE!!!!


You heard me, i said SECOND RATE!! Why do i say this?!! Well, we could EASILY, and i DO mean EASILY, upgrade the dial-up systems to provide enough capability to last another 10 - 20 years.


We have a hard enough time recording and storing programs off television and radio as it is, and now we're getting ready to switch to High Definition. Fine, it looks all nice and good (if you can GET high definition!!!!), but we still have issues about how we're going to store tv and radio (there is no FRICKING way 2 hour storage is going to be accepted folks!!!).


As you heard back when the majority of the northeast went dark, the power lines throughout a fair amount of this country are over 40-50 years old, i think it's high time some businesses at least cover their own electricity needs (and it'd be nice if it was more affordable for individuals to buy alternative power systems). We need to replace a whole bunch of power lines YESTERDAY!! I won't even go into the problem of battery storage right now :).


Construction, what could possibly be wrong there? Well, for starters there's the home construction here in tornado alley and for hurricane prone areas; if we made homes with their environment more in mind damage and insurance costs for homes would be lower and there'd be fewer people without a home to return to.


Transportation... If all cars, suv's, trucks, et al were made with hybrid drives built in we could get farther, use less gas, have more power, you name it. A hybrid vehicle is a win-win.


Food, well we need to stop feeding our animals the remains of other animals. I'll leave it at that.


*Note, was very, VERY PO'd when wrote this :).

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*sighs big* Hi guys, finally got back (at least for now). I've been going through more problems with my computer and other's also. I lost the ability to access the net with my comp a few months back (with dial-up, and that's all that's available out here, STILL). This wouldn't of even occured if i hadn't gotten some moron's computer CRUD.


I'm almost at the point i'm demanding we quit this war in various places and just go after these computer creeps, i'm sick of having to "update" stuff just because some jerk wants to mess with everyone's computers and can't do something productive, like create a slimmed down version of windows :laugh: .


I may try a reinstall of my OS if i'm able to transfer all my data to my auxiliary hard drive (anyone know how to do this with XP? :) ).


I haven't been able to check for the last few months because i forgot my password and that i even wrote down said information somewhere, but that's taken care of. Hope to be back more often again, cheers.

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Yeah i know what you mean. yes we need to improve our country. there are too many things that need to be fix. If we had some better schools system then we would have alot smarter people and more jobs to offer. But with the way society is going i don't think that we may ever had school at all anymore.

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