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HoD M'kal

IKS RanKuf

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The Klingon Bird of Prey has been given a new mission by the Klingon High Council. To protect and deliver a holy artifact to the clerics of Boreth. The Skull of Molor, the tyrant Kahless defeated centuries ago. Recently unearthed on Qo'nos, the myth of the Skull is now a reality. The crew of the RanKuf now must protect this sacred artifact from those who would take it and attempt to learn its secrets. For it is told that the skull posses a secret that could destroy the Empire.


Do you feel you have the heart of the warrior?


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The RanKuf is a group of devoted simmers to the Klingon culture. We are strict Klingon vessel and do not accept any non-Klingon we feel this hurts the credibility of a Klingon ship and defeats the realism we strive so hard to keep. We are an open and welcoming crew whom enjoy nothing more than a good fight. If you enjoy the Klingon race as much as we do then please come onboard!


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