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Freeks Verses Geeks


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Freeks Vs Geeks is a show of wits, brains, and other intectual things. 16 people will be put to the test to be the one and only freek or geek in this game. Each Freek or Geek has been picked by a panel of UPN repusenitives to make sure no one is social huimliated in front of the entire population of teh united states. Each group will consist of 8 people and they will live in the same house, eating in the same room and even sleeping in the same room. But this will not be all fun and games, there will be wars to see who can use the one and only computer in the house and who gets all the best food in the kitchen and who gets all the hair gel for their hair. There will be trial that will make the contestents think the hardest they can. Example the first trial will be playing a game of basketball, other trials will consest of star trek trivea and space ball trivia and who can win in robot wars. The losing tribe will be forced to go to the assimilation chamber to vote of a person of there group. The last person left will recive the grand prize of a star trek themed hosue based on the ENT-E.



Man this is probally the next reality show we will be the next targets :laugh::picard-sith:

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