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Alternate Ending For Enterprise

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Ok, now that Enterprise has been picked up for the 4th season lets speculate a little on what would, could or should have happened IF it had been canceled at the end of this season.


We'll assume that the producers and directors would find out about the bad news with enough to write an appropriate ending and not leave things hanging in the air.


What should have happened in the last episode, or what would you have wanted for the last episode?


I haven't really given it a lot of thought because I never doubted a 4th season, but I would think that something along the lines of having the Enterprise successful in their mission but in being successful and saving Earth it would require their sacrifice, meaning that the NX-01 would have to be destroyed in order to destroy the weapon.


Like I said, I haven't given a lot of thought to a great ending but I know that with everyone here we could come up with something that would have been fitting.


What do you all think?

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If it had ended here the most important thing for it to have accomplished imo is a complete ENDING of the TCW. Although leaving it open would have been good reason to bring it back (someday) but if that never happened then having the TCW be open ended would just plain suck.

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If season 4 hadn't materialized I would like to think that T'Pol, Hoshi, and MACO Rodriguez landed on an island paradise planet and let nature take it's course.


Come to think about it, maybe a 4th season is too much.

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Bakula said on the Wayne Brady show that they filmed a death sequence for Archer. (I wonder if he was serious?). Anyways...perhaps they put alternate ending (if it truly exists) on the 3rd season DVD. :P

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