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Star Trek: Dark Reflections

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(part of)CHAPTER 1


"All are architects of fate, working in these walls of time". "Our todays and yesterdays are the block with which we build."

"Those words were written by a Human poet, five centuries ago, named Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and they carry a special meaning today, for with the signing of this treaty between the Romulan Empire and the Federation, we are building a new 'fate' for ourselves."

"I believe that we can, and must, use those todays and yesterdays to build a better tomorrow for both our peoples".

As the applauds filled the Romulan council chambers; a very tired, Jean-Luc Picard steadied himself for a moment at the podium before following the other attendees to the reception.

The last thing he wanted was to spend the evening socializing with a room full of diplomates, but he was hardly in a position to leave unnoticed.

The Federation/Romulan Alliance was basically the work of the Captain's Riker, as Will and Deanna had put in the lion's share of work on it over the last three years, but Picard and proconsul Denatra had become,in the wake of the 'Reman Incident', the 'heroes that saved both Romulus and Earth' and both were expected to attend the seemingly endless speaking engagements, holo-ops, and subspace media conferences leading up to the official signing. The schedule had been grueling, so much so that he hadn't even bothered with shaving, but instead grew a beard and mustache. Picard could hardly wait to rest in his own quarters, aboard the Enterprise, drinking in the solitude and a nice cup of earl grey tea.

"Ah, there you are Jean-Luc,"Denatra said, as she maneuvered through the crowd toward Picard, accompanied by Dr. Beverly Crusher and the Rikers, all moved with urgency.

"Is there anything wrong", said a concerned Picard.

"Captain, I think we've discovered something you'll want to see", Riker said wryly, before turning to leave, without further explanation.

As Picard turned to leave with the others, he spotted the one person with whom he had hoped to speak before leaving. Picard could only point to the Star Fleet emblem on his uniform while giving an apologetic smile, and across the room Ambassador Spock, with a slight raise of a eyebrow and bow of the head, gave the knowing expression of someone all to familiar with such responsibilities.

Edited by welfconfed

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(another part of) CHAPTER 1


"My God,....Captain....this is for real", an awestruck Geordi Laforge stammered as he sat at the main computer station of the Enterprise's cybernetics lab, staring at the sensor readings.

However, at that moment, Picard, Denatra, and the Rikers were more interested in the source of the chief engineer's amazement; a rather unamazing looking, fist size lump of charred metal connected to one of the labs diagnostic scanners.

Turning to Laforge, Picard asked "Geordi, are you sure."

"I'm sure,'s part of Data's positronic brain", said Geordi, looking up from the computer display. " How did the Romulans get it ", asked Laforge with a suspicious glance at Denatra.

Captain Deanna Riker, instinctively switching gears from tough negotiating, Federation diplomatic officer to her former role as ship's counselor, acted quickly to defuse the situation,"Geordi, we need to keep in mind that we wouldn't even know it still existed if the Romulans hadn't given it to us."

The proconsul, ignoring Deanna, looked the engineer in the eye,"You mean why did we give it back...that's what you wanted to ask... isn't it Geordi?"

Laforge, slowly turned in his seat, giving the Romulan female his complete attention. "Yeah, something like that. It has been over three years since he was lost, and I'm sure that the Tal Shiar went over every millimeter of the Bassen Rift, as soon as we were out of sensor range."

A tense silence filled the air, as Denatra looked around her at the questioning gazes of the others.

Denatra's expression suddenly softened, "Your right Geordi, they did find the artifact back then, but our scientist were unable to learn anything from it. I was, finally, able to convince the senate that, in light of the Treaty with the Federation, it was of more value as a show of good faith, than in a Tal Shiar vault, gathering dust."

She loving placed a hand on Laforge's shoulder, as she said, nearly over whelmed by emotion,"Geordi, my love, you know how much you mean to me, and I know what Data meant to you....If there had been any other way..."

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(finally another part of Chapter 1)

After a long pause, Geordi finally replied, in a voice laden with sadness and disappointment," Part of love is trust...I'm your husband...but you couldn't trust me with this?"


Denatra's attitude instantly changed from apologetic to appalled.

"You can't trust me when I tell you I had no choice? You are a Star Fleet officer, and I am the Proconsul of the Romulan Star Empire. Would your duty to the Federation and my duty to Romulus leave either of us a 'choice'?"


Realizing the rather public scene they were making, his only answer was "We'll talk about this later."


Her face flushed emerald, she self-consciously brushed a few strands of her flowing black mane behind one of her delicately pointed ears. "Count on it."


Turning toward the others, the agitated Romulan merely nodded and with a curt "I will see you tonight", strode out of the lab.


Grumbling a sarcastic "I love you too," Laforge arose from his chair.

"If you will excuse me Captains, these scans will take another hour and forty seven minutes to complete and I promised Commander Gomez that I would go over a few more things with her before she officially takes over engineering tomorrow," and with that headed out the opposite door.


"It looks like the honeymoons over,"said a grim Will Riker."Do you think this will change Geordi's plan to retire on Romulus?"


"Not after all they have been through to be together,"answered Picard.


"And what of your plans Captain," said Deanna, her happiness for her former commander obvious."Is Sandra ready to settle down on Earth?"


"I'm sure Miss Wagner is ready to take over for starfleet, eh, Hans-Lukas,"said Will in his best German accent.


"Indeed,"replyed a bemused Picard as he scratched at his beard.

Suddenly realizing Will noticed him, he added,"I can see why Deanna ordered you to shave yours off years ago.


Hovering between defensiveness an amusement, Will sputtered,"Ordered...?"


Taking him by the arm Deanna could hardly contain her laughter."Come along Mr.Troi, we're needed on board the Titan."


Picard's smile broadened as he heard Will on the way out the door say, with feigned indignation, "Mr. Troi..."


Alone in the lab, Picard's thoughts drifted to all the years he had spent on the Enterprise,...the Enterprises...and, looking down at the remnants of his former friend, all the people that wouldn't be there at his and Laforge's retirement party tomorrow.

Suddenly his reflection on the past was interrupted by the man who would, in less than a day, take his place as Captain of the Enterprise, his first officer.


"Worf to Captain."

His voice sounded serious, even for Worf.


"Yes number one, what is it?"


"You are needed on the bridge, sir"

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