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(Archived Post)



[As I stated I was going to do some spring it is...'s Official Star Trek Trivia FAQ Section]


NOTE: More will added as time goes on...'s Official Star Trek Trivia FAQs


Trivia Rules & Procedure Questions:



"How does the message board trivia work?"


First off, you obviously need to be a registered member of the community. If you do not yet have a registered member username, then you can get one (for free) by clicking here and follow the instructions it gives.


The host posts questions on the message board every Friday/Saturday. You can answer by giving a pm to the host that created the question. You must send in your answer(s) before the upcoming Friday. When that Friday comes the host will then post the answers. You get a question right then you receive the point amount that was listed in the question (usually 5 points for each question you answered correctly). The host will also, post how many points everyone made that week. Finally on that week, the host will post a brand new set of questions.


The person who made the most points during the week wins.


The more points you make the greater chance you will go up in the trivia ranks.



"What is exactly the objective to the trivia? I'll never catch up to the others!" {Just added - 04/25/05! Read!}


Many times people complain that they will never be able to catch up to someone like Indy (or any of the other Super Qs -----not to single out Indy). However, this is not the real objective nor should it be your primarily objective. (And, if hypothetically Indy played week-by-week earning almost a perfect score each week, it would be impossible [or virtually impossible] to catch up to her anyway. So don’t worry about it.)


The competition between players is really week-by-week. Each week a first place winner and second place winner is declared. Anyone that has the know-how to play can earn the title of being in first or second place after the week’s ‘round’ is over. And if you do not get to be first or second place then do not worry because you have made the accomplishment of earning some trivia points which is not an easy thing to do. As time goes on you will become a better player and your knowledge of Star Trek will increase. Play when you can. Play for the fun of it. Enjoy yourself!


Another very important objective for a player is the net total of all points made. This earns each player an official trivia rank. You should view this as more of a self-objective; to earn as many points as possible week-to-week. Therefore, a trivia rank just displays your net sum of all points you have made. We can draw an analogy between your message board rank and trivia rank here. The message board rank only reflects the number of message board posts you have made and nothing more. For some people it might take only a few months to get up to a very high message board rank due to a large amount of posting. Some people it might take a couple of years to get up to a very high rank because they scarcely post. It is essentially the same for trivia ranks. (The analogy does break down here because the ‘quality’ of posts made by someone that got up to a high rank might not be that is subjective. The trivia rank is hard-earned and is not subjective in the way a message board post can be. And, just like the trivia ranks, someone on the message board that has been a member much longer then you will most likely have a much higher rank then you. They are not necessarily a better ‘poster’ then you are.) View it as a competition with yourself to get an ever higher promotion. Once you reach the trivia rank of Super Q you have then reached the highest rank you can currently get. When you reach the Super Q rank you know your total net-sum of points reached over that specific point number given. It does not mean that you should quit. Just like, to get back to the analogy, someone getting the highest message board rank does not mean they should leave People do not come to a community like or any other just to get some high message board rank because that is not the point to come to a community. And that is same with this trivia competition.


Have Fun!


"What questions are available to answer?"


All questions that are not locked are available to answer. Locked questions are not available to answer. The locked questions are from previous weeks. These questions include the answers.


A locked question will have f_closed.gif next to it. If you are viewing a locked question, then you will see this t_closed.gif



"How do I exactly send my answers?"


Send the host that created the questions a pm. In the pm you MUST include the question's number and the answer. You may answer more then one questions (provided you give the corresponding question numbers to the answers) in a single pm. This helps cut down the work for the host. However, it is not required. It is just recommended.


We also recommend that you click the box that says; "Add a copy of this message to my sent items folder"



"When is the due-date for answering questions?"


Most of the questions for the week will be posted on Friday or Saturday. The next few days the host may add a few more questions for that week. Send in your answers ASAP via pm. Don't wait to the last minute! The last day you should send your answers is on Thursday. You can send in your answers on Friday (--very early in the day), but you run the risk of sending them too we highly recommend that you don't. If you do, then you do it at your own risk. (Because once the host starts to count up the points and locks the questions....times up)



"I answered [blank] question correctly, but I didn't get credit! Why?"


Contrary to popular belief, we are human. We save all of our trivia pms for about four weeks. So we can check back. However, before you complain to us, be sure you check your "sent" folder, and see if you indeed sent the correct answer and followed all of the rules.


When you send us a pm, always be sure to click the box that says; "Add a copy of this message to my sent items folder"



"Can I submit a question? Can I ask a trivia question on the message board?"


No, sorry. Asking questions is restricted to the hosts.


However, we occasionally have special trivia weeks. One of these special trivia weeks is based off submitted questions. So save your questions that you would like to submit till then.



Chat Room Questions:



"How does the trivia work in the chat room?"'s Official Star Trek Trivia also has scheduled chat room Star Trek trivia sessions! The host will ask questions in the chat room, and then you answer them in the chat room. If you are the first person to answer the question correctly, then you get 2 points. If you are the second person to reply with the correct answers AND at practically the SAME time (as the first person who answered correctly), then you will get 2 points too. The person with the most points wins.


"When will be the next chat room trivia session held??"


Check out this.


"I know the next chat is at x pm ET. What time is x pm ET in my time zone?"


If you are having troubles trying to convert the ET time to your time, then check out this link. It allows you to convert different time zones.


"Is it true that broadband users versus dial-up users have a better chance of winning?"


No, not really. We are all going through the same server. Winning is determined by your knowledge. However, it helps to be good at typing!



General Questions:



"How did's Official Star Trek Trivia start?"


Master Q started doing Star Trek trivia at another message board at Master Q thought of the idea of having trivia on the message board....and the rest was history. Soon after Master Q registered at he started to do Star Trek trivia at both the ezboard and



"Can you tell me about the other place Master Q hosted Star Trek trivia?"


The user VulcanPriestess posted a comment on about how she would love a Star Trek Jeopardy game. Master Q then thought about an idea of having Star Trek trivia right on the message board. Master Q's initial idea they didn't use, but when they sat down they thought up a system very similar to the system here.


CaptainPaul (the admin of the community), VulcanPriestess, and Master Q hosted the trivia initially. However, they gave Master Q the keys to take it over. A few months ago Master Q has been posting a few rounds of questions, with TrekBec managing the scores. However, Master Q is no longer an active host at the ezboard. Sadly the community has died down.



"I posted at the ezboard Master Q is referring to. Can I bring over the points made there here?"


Yes you can :laugh: ---- contact Master Q via's private message board system.



"What about these other Star Trek trivia competition forums I see at other websites?"


Master Q started it originally. Once he started it at the ezboard we have found a couple of spin-offs. Once he started it at more spin-offs occurred. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Many sites want to "cash off on our success," but the spin-offs are never as good as the original.


"Where has Master Q gone?"


Master Q now hosts the trivia chat room sessions. Spacetigger is now the leader of's Official Star Trek Trivia, and posts the message board questions. However, occasionally Master Q helps out in the message board trivia too.




More will be added as time goes on...




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