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Posts posted by Spudgun

  1. The clip was fun to watch, cheesy and unbelievable, and very well made for amateurs. I was very impressed with that. The worst thing is, very little of what they proposed was origional. Kirk getting resurrected and meeting back with Spock was from Shatner's book "The Return" which was the 2nd in the "Odyssey" Trilogy. They just told the story as him in the Nexus, whereas in the book the romulans take his body, with Spock standing over the grave. Still fun to watch, but usually i tend to look for the little things :)

    Shatner has said that he would play Kirk again- he even wrote a scenario where Kirk returns. I think the idea now is to have him play Kirks grandfather next season. I don't care if it is cheesy, this maybe the last time we see him in an episode of Star Trek.

    who...Wiliiam Shatner or Kirk?

    you just wrote "I think the idea now is to have him play Kirks grandfather next season."that's not having Kirk back thats just a guest star two parter,thats a quick fix for the people that want Kirk back at any cost.......and having Kirks Grandpa on a crap show isnt gonna do for me...... :laugh:


    These examples of other Vulcan's are invalid (imo) because they are male. You're not seeing the BIG picture, not every Vulcan is as perfect as you think and just because we've never seen a Vulcan act quite as strange as T'pol does doesn't mean they don't exist.

    ok.....T'Pring,T'Pau,Saavik and Valeris all Vulcan women....all from TOS era and none of them act like T'Pol.....


      I also don't see why every Vulcan is defined in terms of Spock.  This would be called racism if you defined every member of a racial group in terms of the one and only representative of the group that you knew well.

    ...point taken,but would you see Sarek or Tuvok or any other vulcon act the way T'Pol dose..... :clap:

    The prequel is to show how Star Trek came to be. It is not to make up a completely different story and disgrace the Star Trek franchise every week. Enterprise is arguably the worst prequel in the history of television. Nothing about that show remotely makes it seem like it is in TOS' past.

  4. I agree with all the negative comments made about T'Pol above. If all they wanted was a sex kitten to improve ratings by wearing wholly inappropriate outfits and  getting her kit off they shouldn't have cast a Vulcan - it's an insult to the longest standing and IMO most interesting of Trek's universe of species.[/b][/color][/font]

    I agree with you about T'Pol, could you really see Spock givining Nurse Chaple a back massage,like T'Pol did for Trip......no I dont think so,Spock is a Vulcon T'Pol isnt....she is just the seven of nine of Enterprise IMO

  5. phaseiistudy2-model1-t.jpg


    What are your opinions about this design that may have been used for Star Trek Phase 2? Could it have worked and does it look good?

    it was a prototype,I dont think the finnished model would have looked like that, we have all seen what it looked like,it would have been the Enterprise refit as seen in ST:TMP,most of the sets and models for that movie where from Phase 2

  6. CJLP


    You need to download the Bring Kirk back Trailer(its really Great Trek)


    KIRK is KIRK! He is the all time most macho Captain(ok So Sisko ,Archer and Picard were macho too.But kirk got all the ladies) He also died really bad! Its like leaving Spock dead..They HAD to bring him back..Also all the books like "the Return" and so forth (penned by Shatner) did really REALLY well and were Great reads

    well said that man......... :thumbs:

  7. I'm sorry but Enterprise is nothing like TOS......nothing at all :b-day:




    "1. Involves the Captain of a starship who goes on away missions."


    that was the same in TNG.....but hey both Kirk and Picard arent lame like archer

    Actually, it was Riker who went on the away missions. :b-day:


    "2. Centres round a central group of characters i.e. Trip/Archer/T'Pol and Kirk/Spock/McCoy."


    yeh I can really see Spock wearing a pink bunny suit.....Spock was more Vulcan than T'Pol will ever be...and he was half human..... :thumbs:

    Bunny suit? What are you talking about? As for SPock being more Vulcan than T'Pol, I find that laughable. Spock went overboard when it caim to repressing his emotions. I believe he went overboard becuase he was overcompensating for his Human side, but this did make him a good Vulcan. Also, keep in mind that he did have the occasional emotional outburst, something we've yet to see in T'Pol unless effected by environmental circumstances.


    "3. Both crews take control of the situation and get involved in the action."


    in TOS Kirk took command,in Enterprise archer runs to his room to talk to his puppy......I know which Captain I would like to follow into acton and it isnt the lame one

    In which episode has Archer run to his quarters to talk to Porthos durring a situation? :thumbs:


    "4. Both have Vulcan Science officers."


    Enterprise has a bunny girl......oh and she didnt have Vulcan eye brows till season three...... :thumbs:

    Bunny girl? What the heck are you talking about? There are no bunny people on the show. Also, you are right, T'Pol did not have Vulcan eyebrows, but this mistake was slowly corrected over the coarse of season 1 so fans wouldn't notice.



    well if Enterprise is so much like TOS,isnt it time we had a change.......its all been done much better before .........IMO

    A change? Try the Xindi arc in season 3.

    I would love to reply to this....but I keep having my post deleted......sorry


    Thursday, August 21, 2003

    The Community Interviews Bill (Part One] from williamshatner.com


    30. Is there anything that can be done on your end to get [Kirk to appear on “Enterprise”] in the upcoming season? [note: many of you asked about the possibility of Kirk returning in some form. Bill tries to answer your questions here].


    Bill answered: There is probably not a big chance that Kirk will appear in any future Star Trek projects. I don’t see in the present atmosphere how that would be possible. There was some talk of me being a guest on “Enterprise” but I haven’t heard anything about it since then.



    .....maybe they need him to bust the rattings......







    "And it's the same text that I posted at SyFy Portal and TrekWeb, and I e-mailed the scoop to BringBackKirk.com before posting at WilliamShatner.com.

    Shatner's statement is Trek news".





    yeh but he has posted about this months ago on www.williamshatner.com

    its not really new.........

  10. IMO I think it seems like you haven't even given Enterprise a chance, yes it's not perfect, but no Trek series has ever been. Why don't you try watching it again without that negative attitude and you might find that it is becoming a great series!


    Hi Stelfan,

    I really have tried to give it a try,my wife, the in-laws and myself have all tried watching it without negative.....really.....I wouldnt knock the show if I hadnt seen it...but it just isnt Trek,if they set it in another time and nothing to do with Star Trek,then it would be a well made show. But they have messed around with the time lines that a lot of fans just wont watch it. All my Trek reference books are now out the window.......I'm not having ago at any Trek fan that likes Enterprise,just the show I dont like...... :thumbs:

  11. I'm sorry but Enterprise is nothing like TOS......nothing at all :wow:




    "1. Involves the Captain of a starship who goes on away missions."


    that was the same in TNG.....but hey both Kirk and Picard arent lame like archer



    "2. Centres round a central group of characters i.e. Trip/Archer/T'Pol and Kirk/Spock/McCoy."


    yeh I can really see Spock wearing a pink bunny suit.....Spock was more Vulcan than T'Pol will ever be...and he was half human..... :wow:


    "3. Both crews take control of the situation and get involved in the action."


    in TOS Kirk took command,in Enterprise archer runs to his room to talk to his puppy......I know which Captain I would like to follow into acton and it isnt the lame one


    "4. Both have Vulcan Science officers."


    Enterprise has a bunny girl......oh and she didnt have Vulcan eye brows till season three...... :huh:




    well if Enterprise is so much like TOS,isnt it time we had a change.......its all been done much better before .........IMO

  12. "They couldn't have based a decision on the show itself because they would have been bidding while the first season was still in production."



    but dont you think they would have bid after seeing the pilot episode "Broken Bow" I have to say that was a great pilot and I was looking forword to seeing the rest of the season,then it just went down hll from there.....maybe the BBC could see that coming

  13. "That is because they showed the final episode for season 2 last week. It is odd that you would know that it was on after scrapheap challenge when your personal file says you are from Idaho."



    I dont think thats odd,I used to lived in Birmingham UK and now Idaho USA......whats odd about that,also there is the uk tv guide on the net :wow: I like to keep up with my home town news.....nothing odd at all




    Either way the fact that the BBC are not showing Enterprise cannot be used as any sort of evidence reflecting on it's quality.


    but if Enterprise was the monster hit that it should have been,dont you think the beeb would have run the show.......





    Ps....I'm in issue #114 of Star Trek Monthly (Voyager on cover) photo of my wife and myself in a pice called "in the flesh",that will explain who I am...... :wow:

  14. "Actually the BBC didn't pick up Enterprise because of the poor ratings they received for the previous show that they aired, which was Voyager. The fact that the BBC did not take Enterprise can't be used as evidence refecting on this show's quality because the decision was taken before the show was even aired in the US. So if anything, the fact that the BBC decided not to show Enterprise refects more badly on Voyager."



    ..and for just how long have you been working for the BBC? Voyager was watched by a lot of fans,it was the fact that they kept taking it off to put snooker or darts on that people stop watching.



    "As for your statement that Channel 4 only shows Enterprise it at 2am in the morning, it is incorrect. Enterprise is shown at 16:00 on Sunday afternoons and the 2:00 am weekday slot is actually a repeat of the show."



    well thats funny,I couldnt find it for the Sunday afternoon show,it used to be on after scapheep challenge :wow:

  15. "The show is called Star Trek: Enterprise and is based upon Star Trek,"


    yeh after TWO years of being just ENTERPRISE..... :wow:


    "If Trek goes off the air, books and DVD's will continue to sale, but items like Trek toys will likely go out of production."


    sorry wrong again, there was no Trek for most of the 70's but hey you know what,they where lots of book,toys,games made...... :wow:




    "Actually, a lot of Trek products, with the exceptions of books and DVD's will likely go out of production.  The "experrience" and Borg Invasion 4D might stay.  What about the fan magazine?  It's likely that with no new Trek to write about that it may go out of print after a year or two.  It won't happen right after cancellation, but within 5 years, Trek will be gone."


    I dont think so,the Star Trek Communicator/fan club(which I am a member) has already gone to bi-monthly,why becouse no one is buying it.....the same way with the British Star Trek magazine,they have said its becouse no one is buying it.......



    I find that insulting.  I do not want more crap.  I want quallity TV in the form of ENT.


    I am sorry for that comment...... :huh:

  16. I dont see how canceling Enterprise is going to end Star Trek,you mean to say that taking Enterprise of the air is going to stop people from buy Star Trek stuff ie: Books,DVD's,Toys be real that ent going to happen,so the end of a not up to much show will bring down every thing...oh my there goes the Star Trek Experience, the new Borg invasion 4D, the fan magazine and the franchise all becouse they canned the show.......I dont think so

    the more you watch it the more you are telling TPTB that you want more of the crap..sorry not for me

    I have loved Star Trek from TOS to VOY,but I cant get into that show,I have tried,but it isnt Star Trek......even the Vulcans arent Vulcan........ :o

    If Enterprise gets cancelled do you really believe that it won't have an effect on the whole franchise?


    If a modern Star Trek show were to be cancelled then networks are very likely to look at that factor when deciding if they want to take on any future Star Trek series, and it would be unlikely that the said network would be willing to take a risk on a franchise that had it's last series cancelled prematurely.


    I'm not suggesting that anyone has to watch the show if they don't want to, however there does seem to be a minority who call for Enterprise's cancelation but don't understand the degree of overall longterm damage that it would cause to the franchise's credability.

    you wrote "If a modern Star Trek show were to be cancelled then networks are very likely to look at that factor when deciding if they want to take on any future Star Trek series" well the BBC hasnt brought Enterprise and they have the rights for TOS,TNG,DS9 and VOY isnt that saying anything,even Channel 4 only show it at 2am in the morning.....its doing Trek more harm then good keeping it going.......but I think they will make it for the full 7 years,then that will kill whats left of Star Trek........

  17. I dont see how canceling Enterprise is going to end Star Trek,you mean to say that taking Enterprise of the air is going to stop people from buy Star Trek stuff ie: Books,DVD's,Toys be real that ent going to happen,so the end of a not up to much show will bring down every thing...oh my there goes the Star Trek Experience, the new Borg invasion 4D, the fan magazine and the franchise all becouse they canned the show.......I dont think so

    the more you watch it the more you are telling TPTB that you want more of the crap..sorry not for me

    I have loved Star Trek from TOS to VOY,but I cant get into that show,I have tried,but it isnt Star Trek......even the Vulcans arent Vulcan........ :o

  18. Saddly the bring back kirk campaign have been band from William Shatners own site www.williamshatner.com ........maybe Mr Shatner doesnt want to play Kirk any more,any way he has far to much other stuff to do,his books,film and TV roles........ :o