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Posts posted by harpm1

  1. I voted no but after reading this thread I am leaning more to yes. But I seem to remember the original promo saying "Before there was Star Trek...There was Enterprise." ...wait actually I think they said before there was Kirk, Picard, etc...there was Enterprise.


    One way I think that the "Enterprise" only title could have worked would have been if the show was about what I had mistakenly thought it was about. The actual construction and first missions of the NCC-1701. I still wish they had gone with that, (There was a great novel about the subject) but I like the show they gave us too.


    Anyway, I guess the Producers just thought "Enterprise" sounded cooler. Its still Star Trek: though, and maybe since the promos do list it as Star Trek Enterprise it really is Star Trek: Enterprise. Heck all the motion pictures are listed with Star Trek in the title. If Enterprise had been a movie it would have had Star Trek in it.


  2. I can not seem to get it to work. Page won't come up. Is it no longer up? And where did these scenes come from?


    I'm way interested. Too bad they didn't have a final scene in Generations with Kirk's hand shooting out of Picard's burial rocks grabbing his badge. He he. I kid.



    Never Mind it just worked. :P

  3. I don't mind changes to the character as long as they make sense. If a war is brewing then perhaps everyone will become a bit harder in nature. It will be interesting to see what scars form. I also hope this is an intense conflict with long lasting ramifications that result in the formation of the Federation. :P

  4. I chose the Holodock since he is a humanized program that would have all the Latest information. Speaking of which, I was really sad with the end of Voyager (or at least I can't remember) what happened to him. That would be an interesting story of his "career" after Voyager made it home. He should be in the next film.

  5. Frankly, I've never trusted the rating system because the sample group is so small. I do not know anyone who even is in the ratings program. At least no one has admitted that too me.


    I think "The Expanse" illustrates that Enterprise could take off but it is an uphill battle. ~Crims~ is very correct with his comment about "American Idol" unfortionatly the show's kick off episode always occurs during the "Enterprise" time slot and that really affects the viewership. "AI" is currently the biggest thing the media has right now (love it or hate it) so that is drawing many people away from what would otherwise be an uneventful night.


    But one thing the ratings are taking into concideration. VCRs. Even if people may watch one show "Live" they may be taping another at the same time. I know plenty who do that. And one thing Star Trek has over the reality shows. Reruns. You probably won't see AI or Survivor reruns anytime soon. So folks who missed the shows on their first runs may pick them up later.


    Say, they show "Enterprise" twice a week here(Wed/Sun) . Does that second showing factor in?

  6. Although it isn't mentioned on the referenced page, I do remember reading (in the ST: The Motion Picture captions for one) that Gene Roddenberry had suggested the machine planet that V'ger came from might have been a Borg home planet. Although, this concept was never brought into the Star Trek cannon it would be an interesting coincidence. But then how was V'ger able to get back to earth so quickly without the Borg knowing...the list could go on. Now that I think of it, that concept would reall be hard to explain.

  7. Wow! Big thread. I would have posted more today except all the time I took reading this puppy. Anyway, loved the episode and it was truly tense. 9/10!!!

    Click for Spoiler:

    OK, the conscern over the whole Q thing is I think the Federation did not know of the whole Borg thing in general except for perhaps old rumors or in that special Section of Secret operations. I beleive 7 of 9's family set out to study the Borg after the Enterprise had their encounter and so it was still Q who introduced the term "Borg" because he knew they would get the message and were eventually heading Earth bound very soon. Q had in fact been watching Earth for all time because the Q have no sense of time as we do. Remember his vast knowledge of our history and ability to time travel. Cockrin's message totally fit for me and made sense as to giving Archer a definite reason to destroy the transport. And I for a few moments thought the Doc was going to bite the dust. I was a little sad to say the least.



    OK, so now my brain hurts.


    Great Show thumbs up, but I hope this is the last time we see those cybernetic baddies as it would take away from TNG. In my humble opinion.

  8. I chose the mystery box, because I like a little mystery. A guest appearance would be funny, however, because after all this time finally having a cameo would be classic. If not Neelix how about William Shatner or our favorite Hologram Doctor from Voyager. Ha Ha! OK, maybe that would be a bit much but really the idea has promise.

  9. I like the theme song too. And I also agree that it's not in Trek to change the main theme once it has been established. Maybe if this "new" direction is really far reaching they have to, in order to keep the same pace with the new stories or to show a progression. Frankly, the only thing I was hoping for was a start of the war with the Klingons. :laugh:

  10. I unfortionatly missed the last part of last week's episode and don't know what happened. Whaaaa! Anyone care to spoil me? My VCR didn't record the show correctly.

    Click for Spoiler:

    I saw in another thread something about a life being lost and I don't know who lost their life or why. Help!



    OK, back on topic....

  11. I SECOND a lot of what has been said.


    WIDESCREEN is the way to go. You get more info and when I finally get to buy the widescreen HD TV I want it will fit perfectly. All of those PAN&SCAN flicks will look like garbage because they will get stretched out.


    My DVD player was also one of the best things I bought. Unfortionatly, three and a half years ago, it cost me a whopping 300 bucks, and although it's a really good player it doesn't support CD-R's or MP3 like some of the cheaper 50 dollar players. (They just didn't have those features back then I guess.) Darn it.


    Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the Nemesis DVD and only wish it was a special extended edition because I wanted more of the wedding.


    OK, I'm done.

  12. Well Vegas isn't that far and it is a year away so that gives some planning so I'll keep it in mind. come to think of it, I was hoping to make a Trek convention here in AZ at sometime (I'm not sure when the next one is) So Vegas would be cool.


    Last time I was there I got really lit in Quarks bar and the lady bar tender even comped us a number of drinks. A very good time yeah!