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Posts posted by Shuttle

  1. The ship looked pretty cool, I don't know about those nacelles, they look pretty weak but it's still only a schematic.


    One thing I wondered that if that was a Prometheus-class does that mean their design will last 400 years?  That's pretty dependable!  but then I guess a Prometheus-class vessel always is

    Prometheus? do u even know what that ship look like?


    Its 100% nothing like it. Prometheus have a triangle shape front, not a big fat saucer like the Galaxy's & the nacelle is soo skinny looking.


    no offense intended, :huh:


    but from the way u guys describe in words, is totally different from that picture you showed. :huh:


    I'm confused

    I think I know what he was trying to say:


    In the episode, when Archer walked over to the "viewscren" on the Enterprise-J, he viewed part of a battle - one of the ships that did a flyby past the viewscreen (just before the "dramatic" pause for effect where both Archer and Daniels stare at the viewscreen) looked A LOT like a Prometheus class. In fact the resembleance was so close that it either WAS a Prometheus class, or somthing that very much desended from it.

  2. I cannot beleive that Starfleet would have just left it in the sea - It would have been too tempting.


    I'd also like to think that Starfleet would have returned the ship to the klingon's afterward, for the sake of good relations, but having said that, I'm not convinced that the Klingon's would have actually wanted it back anway - Kruge essentially failed in his mission and his ship was stolen. The ship would therefore be a reminder of that failure, and no doubt somthing of a dishonour (and embarrasment) to the Klingon empire

  3. Sorry hangon but that is NOT correct (no offense) - look what a single species 8472 ship was able to do to a Borg ship.


    I still think that the borg cube would come out on top - I'm not convinced that the Scimitar would last long enough to deploy the thaelaron weapon - seven minutes is plenty of time for the Borg to adapt to both the Scimitar's weapons.

    And even if the Borg did not make the Scimitar itself it's primary focus - what about the crew - I'm certain that it would not take long for the Borg to figure out a way of beaming a heap of drones over and assimilating the crew.

  4. I still say that Prometheus class would come out on top


    Reason - Starfleet sent two Defiant-class starships and one Akira class Starship to retrive the Prometheus in "Message in a bottle", and we can't use the Romulan warbirds as an excuse as Starfleet did not know that they were there - ok they may have assumed, but that isn't the point here.


    Starfleet clearly thought that the Prometheus would be a BIG problem, especially considering what the Prom did to the Nebula class ship that made the inital retrival attempt - hence sending three ships to retrive her - to cover themselves if the Romulans had used multivector assault mode - one Starship to tackle each of the Prometheus sections.


    Another thing to consider is the DS9 episode "Paradise lost" - the Defiant had a hard time against an Excelsior class ship in that episode - ok the Defiant would have won, but it still took some pretty nasty damage.


    side note: As far as "Message in a bottle" goes, Interesting use of the Akira class too - she took quite a pounding from those warbirds and was still giving them some!

  5. I still say STV - although I didn't think First Contact was as amazing and fantastic as everyone else. Not saying it was the worst, nor that I didn't like it and the battle at the beginning was cool, but I lost interest after that. Just my opinion. And now, please feel free to give me a bunch of reasons why you think First Contact was the best film, and why I am mad for not liking first contact .................

  6. I was wondering about people's opinion's are of a "what if" senario I thought of occured:

    What if the Enterprise D had not been trashed by that rustbucket BoP in Generations and had gone on to face the challenges that the Enterprise E faced the the subequent movies.


    How do you think the Enterprise-D/Galaxy Class ship would have managed in the situations that the Enterprise-E found itself in?

  7. Good question - I think it would be a close one


    Reason I say this is the borg's ability to adapt to enemy weapons which could give them the advantage, but would they last long enough against it to adapt?


    I don't think that the cloak would offer the scimitar any real protection - the Borg seem advanced enough to be able to negate that advantage


    And also, would the Borg cube be able to adapt to the Scimitar's thaelaron weapon, assuming that the scimitar had time to "load the weapon"?


    In the longrun I'd have to say the Borg cube

  8. We are forgetting one thing as regards to what the crew would have thought of serving aboard a "small" ship. Intrepid class is not the smallest ship in the fleet.

    I mean, take a look at the Nova class ships (as per the fleet chart link and the Voyager episode "Equinox") which only has a crew of 80