EFO Defiant Q

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Posts posted by EFO Defiant Q

  1. well these are my favorite women of Voyager.


    1. Janeway= Even though she's criticized by ST fans, she was still one of the best captains in star trek, considering what she went through. And she is sooo hot. I kinda hate the script writers for not getting Janeway and Chakotay together, but again there is always fan fic ;)


    2. B'elanna= You have to remember, she's not a full klingon! she's half human and half klingon. that's why Tom liked her so much :lol:


    3. Kes= Her and neelix were 2 of a kind because they both were like, idiots. :force: So she's really not one of my favorites


    4. Seven of Nine= It was nice how they recaptured her from the collective, and she's a nice all around character. But I still say that she's a bad person. :force: :blink: :blink: