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Posts posted by cawleyent

  1. Greetings! Just letting everyone know that "NEW VOYAGES" will debut on the 27th of December! with a couple of terrific surprises in store for all! thanks for all the positive buzz, and as we used to say in the 70's "KEEP ON TREKKIN'!"




  2. Well Captain,

    My opion differs with yours, the name Captain Jean luc picard is copyrighted by Paramount if they don't want you to use it they could stop you. Fan stories are copyright infringement, they are not just stories, in case you have been lost for nearly thirty years fan trek sories have been published in fanzines and sold, and they are currently distributed over the internet. Technically, any one using anything connected to trek for their own enjoyment like this is copyright infrigement, If you read the letter of the law. Fandom is just that Fans celebrating their favorite thing, yeah maybe you dont think Fanfilms are legal, there are a few of them out there, some have been around for years, they are merely another form of enjoying one's favorite hobby, a little more creatively.

  3. Well Captain picard,

    You are also breaking the copyright laws by using that copyrighted name, all the fan films are breaking the law, all use elements of trek, names, characters, ship design etc. all Trek Fan Fiction, written or filmed is illegal, no one is making any kind of profit, from any of these projects, we do it for fun, and the love of Trek. lighten up, none of this is hurting you.

  4. I agree with my great friend Jorel, Hidden Frontier is a great fan series, and they really work their asses off, and deliver it to the screen in fine form! The Exeter boys will never be allowed back on my sets! they had no permission to post photos of them on their website.

  5. While I completely agree with this Captain Picard, Paramount does indeed own trek, This project clearly is a not a project that is making a financial profit from Trek in any way. For many years Trek fans have written their own stories and shared them in fanzines, what we are doing is the same thing, only we are filming the story and sharing it with other fans. Their is no money being made from this, and Paramount is credited on every page of the site, and film. As fans we are simply sharing our passion with all other Trek fans, This is how fandom used to be. No one involved in this Project has any disrespect for Paramount or Trek and their respective rights, This really is a tribute to all of them for all the great enjoyment they have given us. We are also trying to help these kids go to college, in the name of all TREK fans worldwide, seems to me a very positive thing for paramount, Trek, and all Trek fans in general.