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Posts posted by thinkoutofthebox

  1. A friend downloaded a password hack and got into my email. It was all a joke tho. No harm done. Also another of my friends figured out how to remotely shut down computers at school. It was hillarious to see other students go insane when their computer kept restarting!!!


    Also what do you do about spyware because I have had a lot of trouble with that!

  2. I went into a chiropractor the other day and got some x-rays on my body and I found out the the curve in my neck is %^*& up and that it is actually curving slightly backwards. I saw the x-rays and I believe that they are good x-rays. He says he can help me get my curve normal.

    Now comes my problem. A lot of people I know say that chiropractors have helped them a lot and a lot of people I know say that chiropractors have messed them up really bad. Now I know that there will always be some bad apples ect. Also a lot of my friends that had trouble with chiropractors said to see a physical therapist. So I want to know what I should do to get my neck normal. (My neck is causing a lot of headaches and making me miserable and I don't want to live this way)

    So what should I do. :clap:

  3. I can see both sides. However the owner makes the rules. The house we own live in now was rented before we bought it and the people trashed it. Everything in the house was broken seriously. From the way the doors where hung to the mailbox to the fact that the cooler was messed up so when you turned it on water got inside the walls. Nothing in that house worked and we had to replace everything. Quite costly.

    Also I dont like smell of smoke and wouldnt like my house to smell like it.

    However animals are great.