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Posts posted by I'mTheCaptian

  1. I've been looking EVERYWHERE for a reproduction of the Picture on the Enterprise Flying in space from Picard's Ready Room. The one above his Sofa. Does anyone know where I would be able to find this Picture. I wish I had a Link for you guys but I have yet to find it on a web page or anywhere for that matter. I've only ever seen it on the show, nowhere else. :borg2:

  2. I'm saying Worf because theres no way there making another TNG movie and since Worf was on DS9 for so long he's the most likely to die. My guess is the next Movie will be a huge War movie based on DS9 and the Dominon. Worf being back on the station or a captian on the definant in battle of corse

  3. Well i hope i'm not the only person who has noticed but i've watched all TNG seasons from start to finnish on DVD and i've noticed that Data's Cat Spot has been replaced several time. At the beginning of the series Spot was a Male long haired cat. Then towards the middle when the Enterprise crew was de-evolving Spot had Kittens and turned into a Lizard. But Had Kittens nonetheless, Therefore Spot was now Female. Then in Generations when Data found Spot in the wreck of the Enterprise and Cried. He said "I'm So Happy He is ok, yet I am Crying" HE is ok! And he was a Short Haired Cat. :borg2: