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Posts posted by Ael

  1. So, why did the new member go AWOL you ask?


    A few weeks back, I had an issue where I could not open my mouth without bad facial bone and kaw pain. I also had 2 teeth, one of the wisdom and a back molar by it, being in some incredible pain. I was on antibiotics for a week until I could open my mouth again, but no pain pill alive was touching the teeth pain. I had an abscess between one wisdome tooth and the molar in front as well as a cavity stuck there. I wads ot get out all 3 wisdom teeth and that molar, which I did yesterday.


    Well, yesterday, despite some things, went better then expected. I expected to have it done and be an the worst pain in the world from then on.


    Got ther and had to wait about 20 minutes and I nearly made myselfsick from worry a few times. Got back there and the nurse talked to me and then started me on the nitrous. After about 5 minutes of that, I felt like I had gained an extra 200 pounds, and felt heavy and floaty and numb all at once. They started placing things on me to keep track of my vitals while I was out, and then started my IV. The last time I had this done, I was out and stayed out till I was rolling back to recovery.


    Not this time...I woke up during. I became slightly consious when the surgeon was on the bottom right wisdom tooth. I heard a crack (as sometimes they have to break the teeth,especially wisdom ones, to get them free, and then I felt pressure. I blacked out again fr about 30 seconds and woke up again to see him stitching me. I couldnt hear any words but I think they realised it, as i soon had the mask with the nitrous back over my face as I guess the nitrous keeps you out for only so long.


    I woke up again as they were moving me from chair to the bed with wills so I could be moved out. I was out of it in recovery for about 15 minutes and my blood pressure kept going up and down like a dang yo yo on crack. Nurse talked to us and the surgeon talked to us. Apparently one of those wisdom tooth was badly decayed (its impossible to reallyclean them right to start with) and all 3 of them had HUGE roots a good couple inches long. No wonder they hurt, buried to deep in my head =P


    Am also back on antibiotics again, almost 2,000mg of it a day. Have to break the huge horse pills they gave me into more then halves, or I cant swallow them.Not with the very sore jaws from the surgery and having issues swalloing now.


    Came home with 2 huge pieces of gauze hanging out of my mouth and immediatly went and layed down in bed. It wasnt long before, and I kid you not, I had gone through every pice of gauze they had sent home with me, and had soaked 5 wash clothes through with blood and even some clots. So, for a couple hous I did that; bled and drooled. Finally got it under control and I took a pain pill to be safe and then started with the ice packs while watching season 2 of Heroes.


    Im VERY glad that it didnt kill my appetite. I ended up eating a medium sized jar and a half of applesauce yseterday and 2 cans of tomato/basil soup and half a can of carmalized fench onion. (just swallowed the onion bits) Stayed in bed for bvirtually the whole day, and went through a couple glasses of water and gingerale (the ONLY type of ale I can have for a


    Took a pain pill before bed at 8:30, but woke up bleeding about 1:30, but it wasnt to bad. Just went back to sleep and ignored it. Woke up a little before 6 and here I am. No pain or anything so far, but I think I am bleeding again, so I need to go bite on a moist tea bag, and no it wont be earl grey :rolleyes:


    Going to alternate bed and DVD's and MMOing today when I feel up to it.


    Need other dental work done, but will see about getting a checkup appoint in a couple months once I am 100% healed. Right now my whole mouth hurts and feels bad, but look out much blood my mouth and other teeth were soaking in yesterday and overnight! Ewwww! I hope in a day or so I will be ok enough to brush, but the most I can do starting today is, warm water salt rinses 5 times a day that I start at 8 or so. I cant use mouthwash for about 2 weeks, and I cant brush for a few days just to be safe, especialyl because I cant spit for 4 days. I can drool, but thats it. Spitting can make the blood clots dislodge and can then cause dry socket. Dry socket would have a Klingon the flor writing in agony; its BAD and I dont want it, thanks! lol


    But anyways, thats it, and now I think I will go get some gingerale, applesauce and yogurt for breakfast. I need some variety =P


    Oh yes, could you imagine a Romulan dentist? lol That thought cracked me up, as the IV to put you partially out you out, is Sodium Pentathol (basically a truth serum). You would go under just enough, get questioned and probably wake up arrested. The thought tickled me... *g*


    I posted this to a few places to update friends and what not, so sorry to Mrs P if you see this here, the OS, trekspace and LJ lol

  2. Another 3. Didn't draw me in, and pretty predictable. Other than that, nothing too terribly wrong with it. Just nothing exciting. Making the one Aenar blind did nothing for me either. I mean, what was the point, really?


    All Aenar are blind, actually.

  3. Still might night have ben possible. Look at the old ToS ep with the Tholian web or whatever it was. Either way, Sela is meh in my book for the most part. I mean I do like her character, but she could have been done better I think.


    As for Tomalak...*sighs* Andreas passed away of lung cancer a few years back. Tomalak was always one of my favorites...

  4. That would have been absurdly difficult for them to have done. They likely would have been detected no matter what they would have done, as that web could have enclosed quite a lot of space that possibly their ships could not have fit through. Sela gave up way to easily, but I was never a huge fan of hers at any rate. I would have prefered to see Movar again instead of Sela later on. Sela just...annoyed me more often then not.

  5. Was a good one, but Tomalak scared the heck out of in this episode....he looked possessed or something!


    I really felt for Jarok and it was terrible to see what he was having to go through. But he did what he thought was important; protecting his family.

  6. I loved it! I admit, that I have a soft spot for Tomalak, he was always one of my favorite Romulans.


    Bochra is a cutie and I just love him to death. He is so adorable when hes acting all; Im a big bad Romulan, RAWR! hehe So cute!


    What really made me mad, was the fact that Crusher wouldnt stop being a you know what about the blood transfusion. The Romulan said NO. Worf said NO. What doesnt stick with her? =/


    Its like, lady, your patient said NO WAY; respect him and his wishes.


    But yes, I liked this one.

  7. Dont forget, really all of what is seen is Military based. Sometimes in the military you have to be sneaky, underhanded, ruthless and play downright dirty to win.


    I am quite passionate about Romulans (obsessive just sounds tacky! hehe) and though I wont go into it here fully, if it were not for one certain Romulan character that caught my attention back when I was 11 and going through hell, I likely wouldnt be here now. I currently have about 200 Romulan printouts all over the wall behind the bed (and they scare my and in another few weeks once Ren Faire season is over, I plan to get the Romulan hairstyle and have seriously considered getting my ears pointed.


    They are honorable; to each other and family. Dont forget about mnhei'sahe and what that means to them. Respect and honor is highly valued among the Romulan people, but why would they want to give those things to the enemy? I wouldnt.

  8. TOS - Balance of Terror

    TNG - The Enemy (Bochra is such a cutie!) Redemption 2 and the Next Phase. I love em all though!

    DS9 - In the Pale Moonlight or Inter Arma...

    VOY - Message in a Bottle

    ENT - the little mini arc at the end of the series. I only like Minefield because of the pretty green BoP.


    Really though, there isnt a Romulan episode I dont like.

  9. Romulan Ale was said to be a pure grain alcohol, so its likely pretty close to a 95% bottle of Everlcear.


    The recipe I have is;


    3/4 Everclear

    3/4 Triple Sec

    3/4 Bacardi 151

    3/4 Blue Curacao (or however you spell it!)


    Its a recipe you have to be VERY careful with, as Everclear isnt even supposed to be mixed with other alcohol. Besides that, drink even much of it and you will be in the hospital.


    Its supposed to be extremely potent and really only tolerable by Romulans to start with. Heck, even made Worf kinda blah when he had it =P

  10. I prefer the 24th much better. The super short dress made them look they were out to seduce everything they came across. Thats the nice way of saying


    Although the Tal Shiar outfits from DS9...those drove me batty...yum is all I can say.