Commodore Stone

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Posts posted by Commodore Stone

  1. I only got local channels added to my satellite system in early June, so all of the Summer reruns of the show have been new to me. I'm looking forward to the new season to see where we're going.


    Is anybody else a little stoked that one of the commandoes is going to be played by Daniel Dae Kim? Every time I've seen this guy (Crusade, Charmed, Voyager), he's very cool and believable. I hope he doesn't get mashed by the Xindi, at least not too quickly.

  2. It's interesting that this view is about 180 degreess from the consensus on another board that I contribute to, where Voyager is rather mercilessly bashed.


    I think most any show improves over time, barring massive outside interference (like season three of TOS :dude: ) I just saw Caretaker agin, for the first time since it ran in 1995, over the last two nights. I think, as I thought at the time, that it made a strong and promising beginning.


    Like DS9and TNG both, it took a while to find it's focus. The Kazon turned out to be a bland and unworthy foe. I preferred the Hirogen, Sp. 8472 and (orf course) the Borg as adversaries. I also liked the importation of Seven (though not necessarily the subtraction of Kes), which added a new and really intriguing dynamic to the crew. Whatever the various producer's original motives, the common view that that was simply a ratings grab to attract men seems too crude and reductionist. The character was really compelling.


    They missed some opportunities that I would have liked to have seen explored, but so did TNG. None of the seasons are as consistent as I'd like to see them, but all had an awful lot of outstanding and interesting TV to see.

  3.   Even on the Star Trek web site, I noticed today that other Voyager fans in other cities are also complaining about Voyager being totally removed, or significantly "down sized" on their local UPN channels. 

    I've seen the same thing. Apparently, a lot of contracts are running out, or ran out last night with Endgame, Part II. My local UPN station (Danville/Roanoke/Lynchburg VA) is scheduled, according to both the supplemental guide from the newspaper and the station's own website's schedule, to air more episodes starting tonight w/ Caretaker, and then showing a series of second season eps. I don't know if they're biding time and playing out the string, or what, but I'll be watching. I haven't seen these eps for a long, long time.

  4. It's really weird how an outfit designed to be so functional can look so...alluring. :spock: (That goes for men, as well. Early [3rd season-on] Riker and later Sisko [among many others], cut quite the handsome figure in the Starfleet uni.)

  5. I have to agree that she looked best in her starfleet uniform.  I guess is that the other outfits were the first atempts at a cat suit.

    I agree w/ that completely, but you'll never hear the teeth-gnashing and breast beating over it that you will from Voyager bashers over Seven's various outfits. (And, just for the record, she looked hotter in a regulation Starfleet uniform, also.)

  6. I'd say hi to anybody I knew, and then jump right back on the next long mission I could get myself onto.

    I had the same thought. Some of the crew (especially the younger Starfleet people intending to make a career out of the service), would probably be primed after this experience to go on long-range deep space exploration missions for long lengths of time (like Picard when he commanded the Stargazer)


    You can stay gone for a long time, as long as you're sure you're going home on schedule. It was more the uncertainty of Voyager's ststus than the length of it's absence that was probably most jarring to the crew.

  7. I can remember...


    1. The blue miniskirt w/ go-go boots ("The Cheerleader Outfit" as it was called) from Encounter at Farpoint


    2. The gray Chairman Mao outfir from Season One.


    3. The Maroon leotard and the gray one


    4. The Green (actually more Aquamarine) dress and the Blue one.


    5. The regulation uniform that Jellico made her wear, which she continued wearing afterwards (and, I thought, looked best in.)

  8. I have ... Data: First Contact(9"-from My sister at Christmas)

    I have that one, as well. Wonderful detail. I have a lot of the Playmates 5" and 6" figures. I recently won a T'Pol Away Team fig on eBay, and I should be getting it (possibly today). If anyone has a fair number and wants to list them, I'll do the same.


    A site of some interest: Playmates guide and list

  9. I would have to say "Amok Time."

    T'Pau: Live long and prosper, Spock.

    Spock: I shall do neither.  I have killed my captain and my friend.


    So moving. 

    That one and The Doomsday Machine fight it out all the time for supremacy. Theodore Sturgeon's script for Amok Time is filled with wonderful dialogue. Chapel's scene where she goes to wake Spock and he tells her about his dream is just classic. I also love Spock's little talk w/ T'Pring and Stonn. ("I see no logic in preferring Stonn over me." :lol: )


    "You may find, after a time, that having a thing is not so pleasing as wanting. It is illogical, but it is often true."


    Pure Sturgeon.