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Posts posted by I.Q.

  1. To me, as a stand alone movie, ST XI is ok, much as "Spiderman, The Hulk, and Superman" were ok......But on the other hand, "The Dark Knight" SMOKED IT!


    Is that good or bad?

    Sorry for the long pause........ Ive been recovering from a stroke



    Let me give you an example of what I mean.......




    In "The Dark Knight", youll remember the "Why so serious?" scene long after you forget most of the rest of it.....


    ST.TWOK had several momments like that..... Simply unforgetble



    even 4 5 and 6 had a collected handful



    in Generations, when you see Kirk and Picard together for the first time.....



    Snoop Borgy Borg and the Borg Queen



    and in my mind, the last true Star Trek we may ever see, the death of Data.......




    Why that said, I cant the think of one thing that elicited emotion from me in the new movie....



    Its the evililent of Bubble Gum music



    Boston compared to Led Zepplin


    Metallica compare to...well....90s Metallica



    Like I said in my prior post....Peter Jackson and or Joss Wheldon............ JJ Adrams is to much of a SELLOUT!

  2. Damn! Something else I didnt know about :lol:


    Seems like to me, there is a revamping of the Star Trek universe going on, and our vision of it is being put out to pasture.....


    Over the past 5 years, how much of the established "Star Trek" has Paramount auctioned off, shut down, retired, and sent packing...



    This new movie......I will try and keep an open mind, but.........being old school, its gonna be hard.....



    (but, that is how I felt back in 1988, you know 'HOW DARE THEY!')

  3. BTW, Ricardo Montalbon was not only my favorite "Trek Villian" ....


    Looking back over the "TOS" guest actors list, WHO WAS BETTER?????


    He breathed more life into the charactor of Khan, and the episode of "Space Seed" than all of the series guest stars COMBINED!


    Then in "Wrath of Khan".........HA!....... STOLE THE WHOLE DAMN MOVIE!


    Whos face pops into your head when you hear "Star Trek 2"??? It aint Billy!!......Even Spock's death is almost an after thought because Ricardo was so damn over powering in that movie!


    "From Hells heart, I stab at thee.........

    for hates sake, I spit my last breath at thee!"




    Rest in Peace Ricardo, in "Corinthian Leather" STYLE!

  4. Season 3 was terrible, it was almost as if Seasons 1 & 2 came from a completely different writing staff.. So if season 3 was at its finest momments "fun", then season 4 probably would have made Start Trek into a joke.

    As much as I hate to admit to Shattner being right about anything, he was most certainly right when he said "Being canceled was the best thing that ever happened to Star Trek."

  5. But if you are a freak who wears your Star Trek uniform to work and has NCC 1701 painted up the side of car, and you manage to find your Yeoman Rand who is willing to wear a red scant to her wedding, and walk up the isle to Faith of the Heart ... then fair play to you!



    YEAH, SO!! WHAT ABOUT IT????? chair.gif






    I lucked out an married one of the coolest girls on the planet....



    Beautiful, strong will, brillant, and she loves Star Trek......


    Loving Star Trek wasn't a prerequisite, but it certainly was a major plus :blink:

  6. I think I remember renting that episode on VHS in the late 80s ... and then buying it 10 years later from the bargain bin!!! I think it came on the same video as The Big Goodbye. Oh dear, showing the age a wee bit.





    That doesnt make you old.............



    Take me for example......


    I could legally drink at Metallica's concerts supportting their Black Album.......


    Hell, my first time in the voting booth was the year the first Bush got promoted......


    WHERE NOT OLD!!!!!!...............So what if Cornbread and Ice Tea has took the place of pills an 90 proof <_<

  7. The other timeline problem I had with this episode was the casting of Bruce Maddox. The guy who played him (Brian Brophy) didn't look old enough to have been on the Academy committee at the time Data would have applied. He would have been barely a teenage at the time Data applied.

    I just watched the episode..... Id guess Maddox was at most 35.....Unless you wanna entertain the possiblity that in their time, 60 is the new 30 <_<

  8. Thank you for posting about this, not only for the cd, but the youtube clip brought up a bunch of new Spiner and Stewart clips I hadnt seen....I spent over 2 hours watching clips, so cool <_<




    By the way...... Following link to link to link (you know how this can happen)




    I found this radio interview that Brent did back in Feb of this year....


    you can right click on this link http://daverabbit.podomatic.com/enclosure/...47_22-08_00.mp3 and save it....




    Edit= After listening to the interview, this host KEEPS INTERRUPTING BRENT!!!!WTF!!!!!


    Im sitting there thinking "SHUT THE HELL UP FOOL, LET BRENT FINISH!!!!

  9. Honey, I'm not gonna argue with you on that one. While she made a great villain, I don't understand why guys think she's hot.



    I dont either :clap:



    Marina stole all the female sex appeal on that show......




    Well, until Worf's x K'Ehleyr showed up in "The Emissary" :clap:



  10. I remember seeing it in summer reruns just before the second season started....



    How did it make me feel................ :clap:



    Honestly............ :clap:




    I was happy!...............Yes, hate to say it, but its true....




    I didnt like Tasha's charactor.... MOF, it was her death that prompted to start watching TNG, and by mid-second season, I was hopelessly hooked...

  11. No, Data wasn't in Starfleet at the time of the disaster of the Cryslalline Entity. Data explained that after he was activated he decided do follow the path of those Starfleet officers that had found him so he entered Starfleet.


    Yes, it was to Maddox that he was writing to in Data's Day. At the end of "Measure" they somewhat "made up" and so Data was prividing Maddox with information, I would assume frequently and not just in Data's Day.



    In "Data Lore", wasn't there a short disccussion between Riker and Data, making the case that Data had been found on that planet?

  12. Hey people :clap: ........Fasinating Discussion..........



    Like Mrs.. Picard, I am hardly Mr. Data on everything Star Trek, but TNG is definitely the show I love most, and know best of all....



    There are some other factors to consider on this subject .....


    We learned later in the series, that Data was on a colony that the "Crystalline Entity" destroyed, and Data was the only one that survives...


    Was this suppose to be when Star Fleet found him, or was he already in Star Fleet and on assignment with this colony?



    Another note...... Wasn't it Commander Maddox that Data was writing a letter too in "Data's Day", going through a supposed 'Typical Day in the Life of Data'?



    Like I said, Im hardly an encyclopedia....I have the dvd sets, I'm tempted to research all this LOL :clap:

  13. I love any episode that has a "Spock" moment in it.... And in my humble opinion, this episode contains the best Spock moment in the whole of the series....



    On a scale of 1-10............ I give it a 9.0

  14. I remember Stewart always being appreciative of Trek fans....


    I remember back in 94, Patrick was on the tonight show, and Jay mentioned "Trekkies" somehow, I don't remember if it was in a negative way or not, but Stewart goes into this story..


    Stewart goes up to an ATM in Hollywood, does his buisness, and when he turns around, there is this large man with a beard and long hair standing right in front of him.... He was built like a wrestler, and had a rather unsettling look on his face...


    The man says "Your Capt. Picard, from Star Trek aint ya?"


    Stewart nervously replies, "Yes, thats right."



    the man says 'Can I have your autograph Mr. Stewart?'



    Stewart gives it to him, and the man then asks 'Would you like me to walk you back to your car?'


    Stewart points his car out to be just behind them, and says with a nervous smile, 'Theres really no need'



    And then Stewart says that an almost boyish charactor comes out of this hulk of a man, an he says "Ok, thank you Captain' , gives him a salute, and then runs off to a sitting car accross a parking lot entrance, and he excitedly says to another guy in the car " I told you it was him....GOD! I love Hollywood!!!"



    Stewart said that he appreciated the love and respect he felt from the fans, and that few actors will ever know such loyalty...