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Posts posted by breencommander

  1. I've only participated in the forums of 3 different Trek sites.So far,none have been as nice as STF.N.The official site at is a nightmare.I and roguedawg call those forums "The Badlands".I have registered there,but have never went back after my first post generated only accusations by some of the regulars that I was a spammer under a new identity.Nobody actually responded to the Enterprise questions I asked.The other forum I have been to,is dead.Days can go by with no new posts or responses to topics.I still check in there from time-to-time,but rarely have anything to say.

  2. I agree,mostly.Gene Roddenberry had some unrealistic aspirations for humanity.I've read a few of his interviews,and in one of them he was talking about the TNG episode "Hero Worship"(well,either that one or "The Bonding")and he said the child character featured who had just lost his parents should not cry because in the future humans have accepted death as a part of life and would not be moved to tears by such a loss.That doesn't sound like humans to me,at all.Sounds like cold,unfeeling machines.And Trek's humans are just so ethical and moral and non-judgemental...we will NEVER be that way!We can try,but ultimately at our core humans are just not that way.Look back through history.While our civilizations and cultures have changed,the basic human animal with all of his or her faults and emotions haven't changed a bit.Last year I read a greek tragedy as part of some school asignment,and it was startling how easily I understood the various character's feelings and motivations...and this story was more than 2,000-years old.We won't change!That said,I don't think all Trek humans have been limited by this problem with Trek characterization.Ben Sisko(DS9) acted very un-Trek human like when he enlisted Garak's aid to bring the Romulans into the Dominion War,in fact.And several of the humans on Enterprise have been free of Trek's "advanced" human morality and ethics(Thank,God!). :dude:

  3. Okay,I haven't followed the other series too closely.I watch reruns of DS9 and Voyager from time-to-time,and occasionally watch TNG on DVD...but I only just got into Trek with the debut of Enterprise.So,here's my rankings:




    (4)The Next Generation



  4. If the Imperial Romulan military utilized battle armor with helmets (like the Stormtroopers of Star Wars),then its possible they could have engaged in ground fighting or shipboard fighting without being seen.Its a stretch,but its still a possibility.Personally,I think the whole Romulan Wars as invisioned and presented by TOS should be tossed out and reworked,anyway.The facts given in "Balance of Terror" make little sense.And the nukes thing,that's just dumb.

  5. I would like to see a young Soren (Malcolm McDowell),possibly on the El Aurian homeworld helping the Ent crew with some problem,or interacting with the crew diplomatically.Maybe Guinan,too....(well,actually Soran doesn't have to look too much younger,remember Guinan looked the same in the early 20th-century as she does in the 24th).I felt sorry for Soren on Star Trek:Generations and understood his motives,if not approving of his methods.I always felt had his family and home not been taken from him in such a horrific manner that he had a capacity for great good.It would be interesting to see the changes between a good Soren on Ent,and a psychotic Soren on Generations a few centuries later. :assimilated:

  6. I've got a (probably wrong) idea, but


    Well, I'm with everyone in saying that I'm happy you're staying. Do us a favor and tell roguedawg that coming back doesn't mean going back on his word-- it means being willing to reconsider.


    Welcome back!  :assimilated:

    I think he's holding out for an apology from the person responsible for deleting his post and editing it,which probably isn't going to happen.Although,I've heard from other folks that rogue's situation isn't as atypical here as we thought :frusty: maybe more people out to say something?

  7. Interesting ideas,everybody.I'd like it if T'Pol was Spock's grandmother.It would explain a lot.Maybe T'Pol's stories of her time on board Enterprise led a young Spock to consider Starfleet as a career?Also,if a young Sarek was bullied (like Spock as a boy) by other Vulcan children (because his mother had served aboard a human starship),then that would explain why he opposed Spock's attending the Academy so fiercely. :assimilated:

  8. Well,after consideration of the whole stupid situation that led to roguedawg leaving,I have decided to go back on my word and stay.At first,I said that if he left,I would too.But I have decided to keep posting here(not that I don't agree with him.I do).I tried to convince him to do the same and be bigger than the persons he's mad at,but he's pretty resolute about things like this...when he feels he has been unfairly treated.He's right,though,this doesn't concern me.So,I'm back to discuss Trek....and Enterprise(the best Trek). :assimilated:

  9. I'd stop watching Trek if they ever commissioned a starship named Goering or Rommel.Nazis,or not,they helped Hitler further his goals of a final solution and fortress Europe under Nazi domination.As far as I'm concerned,military brilliance aside,that makes them just as bad as Hitler.From what I've read of history(see,roguedawg..I READ),the only reason Rommel was involved with the plot to kill Hitler was because he felt continuing the war would eventually lead to Germany losing the lands it had already conquored(most of Europe,etc).With Hitler dead,then Nazi Germany would continue to rule Europe.Britain and the USA would have possibly been satisfied with the return of France(in part).And the Third Reich would have continued,unopposed as a major world power(possibly the most dominent nation in the world,just look at how innovative their technology was).Some men and things can never be excused,forgiven,or forgotten.These men included.I can't say I know as much about Japan.I know they practiced unrestricted germ warfare against the chinese with devastating results.In fact,after the war was over the USA pardoned the Japanese scientists and doctors who designed Japan's germ warfare program in exchange for all of their human test results(we did this before the Russians could get a cold war lead over us in this area).The japanese "Dr.death",the main guy responsible for the chinese tests was given a large plantation and a life of comfort for the rest of his life in Hawaii.That makes me sick. B)

  10. About the only thing roguedawg and I agree with about Enterprise is that it was wrong to not have "Star Trek" somewhere in the title.Now that,apparently,with the 3rd season that oversight has been acknowledged and corrected,maybe a few trekkers who felt somehow disenfranchised(is that the right word?) by Enterprise,and it's (according to them) disregard for all that came before,will maybe give the show another chance.Things are getting better,really. B)

  11. B) I have had some pretty lively debates with my uncle about this one!He's crazy about Hoshi,probably because she looks a little like his girlfriend.I'll admit,Hoshi's a nice looking woman.But T'Pol is one seriously hot Vulcan B) I had to vote for T'Pol.All I can say is,is that if the Trip/T'Pol thing goes in the direction that it seems to be going in,then Trip is one lucky @!*$!# :(

  12. Both great episodes.I missed Horizon the first time around,but made an effort to watch it this time.It was nice to see Mayweather's background.It added more depth to the character for me.And besides,he is underutilized :( .I didn't stick around for the second episode,as I already have it taped and have watched it a half-dozen times already.Another excellent show that deals with our often unfounded prejudices.I liked how Dr.phlox eventually made an effort to get to know his patient.And I understand how hard it must have been for him(and writing that letter to his bigoted son). B)

  13. Just a casual fan.I'll watch the shows if I have the time.I follow Enterprise pretty well,and as yet have missed only an episode or two.I don't really care for Voyager or TNG,but occasionally watch all or part of a show if its on tv.I don't collect any of the related action figures,no VHS/DVDs,no books,etc.The only sci-fi show I make an effort to watch everytime its on is Lexx.Personally,I think Xenia Seeberg would've made a better T'Pol than Jolene.... :dude: Too bad Xenia wasn't offered the part.

  14. I picked those things up right away.My uncle had the manual for over a year before I paged through it and he had never noticed.I think the people at Trek do that sort of thing a lot on the set of the shows.I read something about that somewhere,maybe an old ST The Magazine.Computer monitors would have song lyrics on them instead of scientific data,etc. :dude:

  15. The uniforms on Enterprise look a lot more comfortable than the uniforms on the other shows,especially those bulky red nightmares that Kirk and crew wore in a majority of the TOS movies.I guess,the TNG,DS9,Voyager uniforms wouldn't have been too bad,but they didn't have pockets and didn't look as good. :dude:

  16. I love the temporal cold war! :bow: In my opinion,this conflict is the only excuse Ent needs to deviate from the previously established continuity in the other shows(and we should all admit,the timeline made-up in the 60's was pretty silly and should be changed to take into account some of the major events that have happened since that time).And the TCW just has so many possibilities :bow: I want to see Daniels again,and the Suliban. :dude: