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Posts posted by Mitsuko

  1. I say yes, if only because I loved DS9 so much and want to see more of the characters. The problem with a move, though, is that DS9 was a really character-driven show. It would be hard to do justice to the character development in a movie with barely enough time for a complex plot. Even so, if they made one, I'd still go see it several times ^^. But replace Kira with Ro?? No way!

  2. I agree with TOS not having any defining moments, but I honestly don't think it needed them. It wasn't good sci-fi, like the other series, because it was more meant to be political commentary (and pretty funny sometimes). A lot of that was lost in the third season; they were writing it to keep it going rather than writing to make a point, which was what made it so great in the first place. If there had been a fourth season that continued on that route, it probably would have been terrible.

  3. :roflmao: It's a wonder he's not dead! I mean, I'm assuming that condition would greatly reduce his blood's oxygen carrying capacity.


    I never actually saw the whole episode, but I think I remember Archer, T'Pol, and Trip talking about it. Too bad the article didn't say anything about his ears.

  4. ^^ Monty Python references!! I like this discussion! I was never a member of the Lounge, but I do visit occasionally, usually for news or to look up random factoids (like the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow... (had to put one somewhere)). They have some cool stuff there; I like the documentaries, and the Trek Life is funny, no matter what anybody says. I wish I could get my hands on one of their "mornings are futile" t-shirts.

  5. This was actually one of my favourite TNG episodes, at least from the earlier seasons. It was smart, had a great plot, and was also funny in bits. The Binars were quite awesome! My one problem with it, though, was Minuet; that whole sub-plot wasn't too good, and, as the review said, required Picard and Riker to act like complete idiots. If they had only come up with a better distraction, it could have been one of the best episodes in the series, imo.

  6. Moonraker was my favourite Bond film of all time, but really all of Connery's and Moore's were great. I really didn't like the Pierce Brosnan ones though, they put too much emphasis on girls and guns and not enough on the spy-ish stuff and evil fiends, in my opinion.

  7. Hey all, congratulate me lol, I just got back from my first ever ST convention! There wasn't a lot there (it was in a REALLY small town), but I got to meet Max Grodenchik (Rom from DS9) and get a pic taken with him. Aaron Eisenberg (Nog) was also there, and I saw him but didn't get to meet him. I bought a little tribble plushie. It's fuzzy. I <3 it. Unfortunately I didn't get Max or Aaron's autograph, cause we had to leave before that (rats...). But yeah, it was fun. I'm hoping to go again next year, maybe with some friends if I can persuade any to go.

  8. I just finished reading Star Trek: The Manga. I thought overall it was pretty good, although I gotta say I'm a little disappointed with the origin of the Borg Queen. I dunno, I just thought it was a little underwhelming for one of the most important villains in the entire series. My favourite story of the three was definitely 'Til Death. It had a perfect mix of classic TOS and newer themes more conducive to the manga medium. Orphans was pretty good too, especially the scene where the sword pierces the viewscreen right in front of Sulu and Chekov. Their expressions were priceless ^^.

  9. You know you're a Star Trek fan when you get annoyed at people for calling Patrick Steward "the guy from X-Men".


    Just had to post that, has happened to me several times. BTW the title of this forum should be "You know YOU'RE a Star Trek fan when..." Not your. Sorry, that just aggravates me. I'm not OC at all, no... :laugh:

  10. OMG... this is so stupid. Harry Potter was *alright* when it was just books. But it's so commercialized now, and even the books have gotten bad. The whole thing's just a cash cow now. And really, a theme park? How are they supposed to fill an entire park with rides about Harry Potter??? There is a very limited number of things in the books that could be made into rides at all; the only one I can think of is flying on a broomstick...

  11. Sorry :blush 2: The first line has five syllables, the second has seven syllables, and the third has five syllables. You're right that it doesn't rhyme. Other than that, there are no specific guidelines; it doesn't really have to make much sense. Lol this was probably better suited to the other forum...

  12. I borrowed this from a friend's forum. Okay what you have to do is write a haiku (5-7-5) using the last line of the person before you. NOTE: it does NOT have to be ST-themed. And you don't have to retain punctuation, capitalization, etc. Here's a (badly done) example:


    I love all Star Trek

    Especially Deep Space Nine

    Odo is the best ^^


    Then the next one would go:


    Odo is the best

    He can change his shape at will

    And he loves Nerys


    Ok here goes for real!! (fear my lack of skills)


    Poor Mr. Barclay.

    Talking to a potted plant,

    He sits there, alone.

  13. Bah, Enterprise, no offense y'all but I thought the whole series was terrible. Then again, that's what they said about TOS at first *shrugs*. I never saw that episode, but I gotta say Spiner's portrayal of Dr. Soong in TNG was pretty bad. I mean, what was that lump on his head?? And the voice... ugh. Oh, and about Nemesis, I am probably one of the only people in the universe who thinks that it wasn't THAT terrible (at any rate, Data's death was pretty sad). Hey, it was a feat of engineering just to keep Data looking as young as he did in TNG!