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Posts posted by nobtis

  1. This movie was almost perfect. Chekhov was the worst ever. Didn't look like him at all and his accent was way too thick. Nero must be the most boring enemy in Star Trek History. McCoy and Pike were perfect... Just PERFECT!! The action was awesome and the special effects were wonderful. Top-notch movie overall. The Bridge was horrible: It was too white, too bright and too many things going on and flashing on the screens and Sulu's chrome Throttle was over-the top. Don't take my negative comments to heart. This is an awesome film. It's just easier to list what I didn't like than to list what I did like. Except I really do have to give out props to McCoy and Pike... Bravo! Now, I would love to see JJ Abrams visoon of a new TNG!!!!!!


    Ok, no spoilers without a spoiler box. Preferably any indepth reviews should be in it's own review thread but if you want to give a short reason for your rating just please use a spoiler box for any plot info.


    I'll give it a 5 out of 5. I outlined some things I wasn't satisfied with in my review but I'll reserve final judgement when I see Star Trek XII. For now, I'll give it our highest rating.


  2. Why would Star Fleet allow him to wear something that is obviously not part of the Starfleet Uniform? I think it was just to look cool for the show.....


    his sash means two things....


    his current rank, and family home. if you notice in TNG and DS9 it changes a bit over the years. even when martok invited him to oin his house even the house of mogh couldn't be re-built with the dishonor of both the kilngon empire and himself. there was a final picture of worf on a book cover an i can't remember the name of the book, but it shows ambassador status and not what he was while in starfleet.

  3. Your Own Battlestar Galactica Video....

    Hi Everyone,

    Well, I submitted my video to Sci Fi for my submission into the Battlestar Galactica Make Your Own Video Contest. The winner(s) will have their videos shown on TV sometime during the next season. . It's not much to look at compared to other submissions, but I had fun doing it. It's called "BSG: Distressed" and it is up on the site now. My video # is 111421. The deadline is June 1st to get all submissions in. The site's address is -- Take care.

    Please don't forget to vote (one to 5 stars) at the bottom of my video....Thanks!

    Your friend,

    -- Dave

    This is my entry:

    No preparation

    No script

    Barely any acting

    Less than 10 mins to film

    Less than 1/2 hour to edit.

    Inspired by Shatner and West......

    It's "Battlestar Galactica: Distressed"......

    :bow::bow: :P :hug::bow::hug: :P