
The Founders
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Posts posted by spinner

  1. I am glad that it is going to be back, and yes, the new season can not start too soon for me! :martok: I am raising my daughter the right way :angry: , she is already a HUGE Trek fan... We watch Enterprise on Wends. night, then again on Sunday, and then we catch what ever re-runs we can of Voyager, TNG and DS-9, and the original ST when we can on cable.

  2. Hi! I just joined the site last night while watching Enterprise... I have really enjoyed the show, and I it is interesting seeing how ST and the Federation started out. I always loved the first show (had a major crush on Spock... LOL :martok: )


    I have heard rumors that Enterprise will not return next year, and I really hope that it does... I really look foward to talking about Trek and other fun things!


    have a great day!


    Spinner :angry: