Hooray for boobies

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Posts posted by Hooray for boobies

  1. There are some actors I find it hard to accept hair on :theking: Patrick Stewart is one, though I did once see him with hair as a character called Sejanus(?) in I Claudius.


    John GielGud is another actor that is somehow just meant to be without hair.




    Force of habit.



    Btw, did Mr.Picard on this board use to be Mrs.Picard or am I imagining something?

  2. Not much boobage on the Borg Queen really, but what there is is probably rubber yes. :Hmmm...:


    Anyway, I doubt the queen was even elected in the first place. More likely seems she is the founder or one of the founders of the Borg.


    Best scene with the Borg Queen from 0:20 to 0:55 in this clip. (Unfortunately it is cut short and interrupted by speech, but I couldn't find the full clip on youtube.) Love the way she stretches her limbs after assembly.



  3. Of the listed classes only Centaur and Defiant are technically DS9 classes. All the others I think comes from First Contact.


    Defiant is unusual for a Starfleet design not having hte classic configuration of a saucer in front and nacelles to the rear. Two things put me off the Defiant though, first after four seasons of it the novelty wore off, and second when they brought in another one after they had the balls to destroy the first one they made me dissapointed. (Don't know who said there were only two of them btw, but htere were at least three in DS9 alone and two more showed up in Voyager.)


    So my choice is the Centaur. Sleek looking and nifty, and it worked well in the combat scene with Siskos Jem Hadar fighter.

  4. The movies may have helped to make TNG possible, but it was not the movies that captured the interest of a new young generation in the 80:s and gave new life to the Star Trek cultural phenomenon. The same will be true today. Perhaps even more today as the interval between the movies will be filled with other sci-fi and fantasy offerings. If not Star Wars, then the Hobbit or Avatar or something else. Only an ongoing feed of continuous Star Trek material can have the same reviving effect that TNG had back then.


    With the stink from Enterprise still hanging it is yet too early. I would guess Trek need another decade of rest before a serious effort is attempted. The new movies could help to pave the way, but the next one must be better. They must also avoid the trap of making Star Trek generic action sci-fi like the last movie did. This kind almost never makes it to a successfull TV series.

  5. Movies can't get Star Trek moving again. They are too few and too far between. They also have the problem of needing to do profit on their own which means the creative process gets undermined by certain requirements.


    You need to catch a youthfull audience and then regularly keep feeding them good material for a long period of time. A television series might have done, but television is struggling with a lot of competition from alternative media today.


    Maybe a quality high production value online series might work if anyone would be interested in funding one.

  6. Uhura did have a nice rack in TMP, but wasn't she like 50 or something?


    Oh that's alright. I'm not too picky. Lots of women look gorgeous still when they are 50. Raquel Welch comes to mind, though as far as I can remeber she never did Star Trek.


    Don't worry about the green smearing of on you either, it just shows that you lived a little.


    But if you go for Zoe eh.. the new Uhura, well, I bet she can teach you all sorts of things in all sorts of languages.

  7. 2) If Hooray for Boobies is going to have Uhura as his avitar he should have the new Uhura. She has nicer boobies.


    I should have Leeta then I think. Or if it needs to be from the new one, perhaps the green skinned woman.


    Or infact, come to thnk of it, didn't old Uhura field an impressive rack in The Motion picture?


    Maybe I should begin a study to determine the deepest cleavage in Star Trek.


    Or no, better not. Chances are of ending up with some weird looking unattractive Alien.


    No Uhura will have to do, unless I can find a good picture of Leeta.

  8. well, Enterprise didn't get its chance to prove what it could do...and, heck...don't some say, that for ex, TNG didn't hit its stride, until Season Three or so...?


    I do not understand how you think here. Enterprise did get its chance to prove itself but didn't take it. That was part of the problem. Like TNG the show had a mediocre start, but they did work steadily to build things up for the first two seasons. They introduced things like the Temporal stuff and the Suliban, the Vulcan-Andorian conflict and The Nausican pirates and probably other things I've forgotten about. By the beginning of the third season, just like TNG they had an established universe to begin telling good stories in, What happen was, they ditched it all and the fruits of two seasons of hard work was thrown away or placed in limbo.


    I don't from what place they pulled out the Xindi and the whole threat to Earth but they had to start over from nil. Also they made a capital offence for a television series, they changed format mid-series. In the first two seasons episodes were selfcontained, or at most part of a double/triple. A viewer had a decent chance of missing and episode and still be able to follow next episode. Viewers get used to such things. Some viewer enjoyed the Andorian episodes and not so much the Temporal, some viewers the other way around, and no one knew if the next episode might not deal with their favourite topic. Then comes the Xindi arc, ensuring that not only was there no chance to get the continuation of the storyline you enjoyed the most up to that, but if you didn't happen to like the Xindi story you were stuck with an entire season of episodes that wouldn't appeal. Because the arc was so long the story also felt like it was crawling forward. And the new format meant if you missed one episode you were basically out of touch.


    Taken together it is a series killer.


    It might have been different if they had begun like season three. If they had made their viewers expect this format and this long ongoing story. Then if you have a story that hooks them you get them coming back every episode not to miss anything. But you can't change everything at a critical moment halfway into the series. Babylon 5 season 4 did a similar blunder though possibly for different reasons. But Enterprise did it just at the moment when it was set to prove itself. Just when they had a chance to make all the ground work they built in the first two seasons come to life and pay off, they shot themselves in the arse with the Xindi instead. A million reasons may have been the cause of this, already poor rating probably the most important ones, but desperation can seldom save a series. Either way Enterprise had one chance to hit a stride and they wasted it magnificently.


    As for the Xindi arc. Enterprise always suffered a little from post 9/11 patriotism, and could never quite shake a distasteful us vs them mentality. Archer himself seemed always like an overgrown teenager. Instead of maturing in the third season they came up with the Xindi arc, which took all of those problems with the show and multiplied them manyfold. Archer said and did things in the third season that would have made Gene Roddenberry sick to the heart. Poor Archer was alwasy a pompous posturing kind of leader of the kind that is hard to like, and in a way I am glad the final episode of Season 4 spared us his Federation speech. To steal a line from Amadeus he would have made his speech so lofty he'd shit marble. And every single drone present in the event would have applauded him with relish for it.


    Well, Enterprise was always a troubled show, but I shouldn't be surprised if the third season doomed it.

  9. My first thought is that I do not want any sequel to this new rebooted Star Trek. If I want anything it is a new reboot, and this time a good one.


    But, as they're going to milk this for as much money as they can we will get one, so I'll provide some thoughts.


    It will be in 3D.


    Klingons will feature. Klingons are the most recognizable Star Trek villains and they want things the average movie goers recognize as Star Trek.


    Ship battles and action scenes in the last one were a mess. I hope they will slow down and clean up a little, or I don't want any ship battles at all.


    It was not only Kirk who gets his position a lot quicker in the new timeline. I think everyone except Spock were raw cadets shoved into place probably a decade or so ahead of time. It remains to be seen if this will have any consequense whatosever in the next movie.


    Please redesign the engine room.


    Q is a big no no. He belongs to the TNG-VOY era. Same goes for the Borg.


    If Uhura is going to be anything more than a romantique foil for Kirk and Spock they need to expand the role of a communications officer.


    Khan? Maybe. I suspect there will be one villain to focus on. They killed off Eric Bana so perhaps Khan or someone new wil lstep in and take the place.


    I fear the new movie will further cement Star Treks distachment from its origins and move towards generic sci-fi action adventure.


    The new look of the Enterprise bridge and the uniforms and all is surprisingly sterile. Hope they can do it better in the new one.

  10. To me, Babylon 5 would have been better if Sinclair had stayed. I never liked Sheridan.


    I also liked Sinclair and initially had a difficult time warming up to Sheridan who seemed much more stereotyped. But I have to admit Bruce Boxleitner proved he can act, and the devil be damned aspect of his character really payed off in the final episode of Season 3. Sinclair would have done the same but I think with him that moment would have been more stilted.


    But on the whole B5 succeeded better in replacing Sinclair with Sheridan than DS9 did with replacing Jadzia with Ezri. It's not a fair comparison though since Ezri had only one Season to work on, but I never warmed up to her.


    I did not at all like the direction they took with Garibaldi.


    What i didn't like with the Garibaldi thing is that his betrayal was played as a mystery thing. The ucertainty meant he had no character development throughout the entire season. They sacrificed his character for the suspense, and eventually wrote is away as completely engineered by PSI-corps. There is a certain falseness in that kind of writing that shines through. If Garibaldi were to betray someone I'd rather they connect it with his alcoholism and personal problems, but I also beleive the original plan for the Garibaldi character was very different.


    Then I also felt that the plotline involving Edgar industries was poorly executed for a sci-fi show. A lot of the scenes took place in regular apartment environment that could have been lifted from anywhere in the world of the 1990:s. This to me enhanced the feeling that the show turned soap in the fourth season. I would blame the low budget for this, though the show had proved with the station setting that it could emulate a certain futuristic feel even with limited budget.







    I also want to say I admire the acting skills of Peter Jurasik and Andreas Katsulas in B5. Look at the confrontation in the Counsil room in the Episode The Long Twilight Struggle. To wear those ridiculous costumes and still get that kind of gravitas emoted is impressive, though they were well adied by the music.


    Good acting was also a bit of a trademark of DS9.

  11. To update matters ... do you think that the new STAR TREK movie would make a good series?


    Not if I am to judge by the movie, but a TV series is a different thing where they would have to rely on a little plot, and so it might be better written. Technically I'm sure it would shine as long as the budget was sufficient.

  12. First of all DS9 is the best of all Star Trek series. I even prefer it over TNG and I love TNG.


    Babylon 5 is better than DS9.






    For three seasons. Then in the forth season B5 takes a turn for the worse.




    I've been trying to figure out why and how this happened. I know that for financial reasons the producers of B5 felt compelled to compress Season 4 and Season 5 into one season, and so Season 4 has a lot things going on. This could infact have been a good thing, except they changed a whole lot of things for Season 4.


    The most obvious result of the compression is the rushed resolution of the Shadow-Vorlon conflict. This resolution is not only pretty dumb in concepts (let's just all go away) but also forces through a much too quick re-evaluation of the Vorlons. Up unitl the end of Season 3 the Vorlons had always been treated as a race different from the Shadows not only in philosophy but also in act, and they had been (mostly through Kosh) set up to be what we would consider angelic beeings.


    Nothing of this remains in Season 4 and to me that was a great loss for the show. It may be that this change to the Vorlons could have worked, but it should have required more time and build-up. As it stand now We get forced down our throats. You thought we were good? No way dude, we're bigger pricks than the Shades!. Talk about ripping diversity straight out of the heart of the show, with a loss of important hope and optimism as a consequense. And a shame too for the writers and directors had proven that they could handle the good Vorlons in a compelling way given the chance.


    Another feature of Season 4 is that the format of the show changes. Before all episodes were more or less self contained, or part of a double. Holes between episode were allowed granting a certain freedom to writers and directors. In Season 4 B5 turned soap. Episodes usually followed each other with cliffhangers, and each episode dealt with all storylines at once. The best episodes in Season 4 do not have the punch that the better episodes in the first three Seasons had. To me it seems obvious that the constraints the new format placed in writers and directors hampered their ideas.


    There were still glimpses of what could have been. That image of the Vorlon planetkiller blocking out the sun over Alpha Centauri for instance, how I wish that would have been set up better, to really feel the emotional kick of that moment. They managed such things in the first three seasons. The new format didn't work that way though and the show lost its edge. It is interesting to note that DS9 suffered from the same problem in its last ten episodes of Season 7 which is also DS9:s weakest season (Though there are some real gems like Chimera). The best episode of B5 Season 4 is probably the one where Sheridan has to go up against his own fellow EA Officers, and even that idea was done better in Season 3 with Point of no return and Severed dreams. In the eventually produced fifth season they returned to the one story per show format, but now it was to late. There were no more stories to tell.


    I read somewhere that the original plan for B5 was that the Shadows would defeat the Vorlons and that the station Babylon 5 would be destroyed by the Mimbari warrior cast with the crew leaving to carry on the fight (Perhaps from Earth). That would have been a much better path to follow IMO, but perhaps it was made impossible by the compression of Seasons 4 and 5.


    Even so like I said for Season 1-3 Babylon 5 is probably the best space themed Sci-Fi show ever produced. Certainly much better and optimistic than the dull Battlestar Galactica. So is TOS, TNG, DS9 and damnit even VOY too by the way. I notice though that Prometheus mentions Enterprise in his post and it needs to be said that Star Trek Enterprise was an uninspired show and to even mention it in the same company as B5 and DS9 is icky. In any event Enterprise came long after B5 and B5 probably ows a lot more to the old Blakes Seven show.

  13. There are so many different ways to approach this question.


    In terms of sheer beauty and defining Star Trek the Updated Eterprise A from the Motion Picture wins the cup, closely followed by the Enterprise D.


    Over the seasons I also develped a sort of fondness for the long sleek elegant Excelsior type cruisers.


    The Defiant in all honesty doesn't look all that inspired. Basically a compact disk with a few chunky boxes welded on.


    In terms of power too the Defiant only about Equal with the Enterprise D, and apparently the class of Defiant was considered overpowered and overgunned, so we're talking short service caréers here.


    The only place I can see Defiant topping a list is in power to cost ratio. And that's only assuming that a Defiant ship is significantly cheaper than a Galaxy.


    Defiant scores a point with me on another matter though. It actually was destroyed within the series. But the the writers dropped their balls and gave them a new one in the next epsiode. Yawn!

  14. I like Jadzia as romantic foil, but found it hard to accept her many fighting sprees with the Klingons. Perhaps her appearance didn't support it.


    What I am a little uncertain about also is what Jadzias official role on DS9 was. She seems to wear the blue of a science officer but mostly I just remember seeing her in a communications role.

  15. The Xindi themselves were ok. Finally a enemy consisting of multiple races just like the Federation. But the whole idea of them threatenign to destroy earth and Archer going on a full season vengeance rampage was very bad and ill conceived, and disrupted the flow of the series.


    Not that Enterprise was even anywhere near the class of the previous three Star Trek series. Even Voyager was heads and torsos better.

  16. It's precisely the quality of these characters and DS9 in general that makes me cringe whenever I remember they are working on a prequel to the original series. What a botched job SOMEONE did on this franchise.


    We are like two minds and one thought you and I. I'll credit you with the thought if you let me have at least one of the minds.

  17. Click for Spoiler:

    Where’s the fun in watching this crew take on the galaxy if we know Kirk will eventually be killed by Soren, Spock will become an ambassador to Romulus and everyone else lives?



    Click for Spoiler:

    If series of X episodes is made it's a pretty sure bet that Kirk won't die until the very last one earliest.


    A writer worth his pay can work under conditions where the fate of the character is known and still make it fun and interesting.


    Why am I spoilering this?