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Posts posted by Hansman

  1. Hello All,


    I'm Commodore Bertus Hansman, Commanding Officer of Medical Base One. I'm here to tell you a bit more about this wonderfull simulation.


    Some General information

    Medical Base One is an PBeM. For those of you who are new to simming, PBeM stands for Play By Email. In a simulation like this you contribute to the plotline by writing an email post and send that to a yahoo forward group address. That way all the members of the simulation, simm for short, will get your post and can write a contribiation of their own.


    Back to the situation at hand. Medical Base is a new PBeM witch is not yet launched. I'm waiting for enough crew, at least a crew of 7 to 10. That's the minimal amount of members you need to realy be able to have a Starbase RPG run. At least, that's my opinion.


    Some info on the In Character information

    Medical Base One is an standard Starbase. But she is modified to act as an Hospital base, and as Starfleet Medical's HQ in deep space.


    Admiral George Parel choose Bertus Hansman to command this base because in his previous experaince he know that Bertus is, firstly, a great medical officer with a lot of experiance and a heart for his pati?nts. Secondly Bertus is a fine CO with years of experiance as XO on the USS Firebreather.


    What kind of members am I looking for?

    This is a question I can reply to in one work. Everyone! I'm not going to accept you because yu have 5 years of simming experiance or because you are white. I'm not going to decline your application because you are black or because you have no experiance at all. I believe that everyone who likes it should be given the chance to simm.


    There are some qualeties that would be helpfull during your time on MB1. Imagination and Knowledge of Star Trek are allways helpfull. Som basic knowledge or ranks and life aboard a starship or starbase is helpful too.


    Don't worry if you don't have these qualeties. When I started simming in 2003 I was qompletely new to it too. All I knew about Star Trek was wht I saw in the series. And now, 4 years late, I've got a history of simming on 8 seperate RPG's. On 2 of them I had a command position (XO or CO).


    If you want more information about the simm just visit the website www.med-base-one.com or email me at bertushansman@med-base-one.com.




    Bernhard Flokstra


    Commodore Bertus Hansman

    Commanding Officer

    Medical Base One

  2. Always wanted to feel what it's like to be a Starfleet Officer? Do you got an active imagination? Do you like Star Trek? Then read on.


    Medical Base One is a Star Trek Base Role Play by E-mail. That sounds difficult but it's fairly simple, and fun.


    Medical Base One is an RPG that is set in 2386. After several wars Starfleet Medical knew that only a large medical facility on Earth wasn't enough but that they needed one in deep space too. Medical Base One came from that idea.


    Medical Base One is the heart of Starfleet Medical in Deep Space. It's a Starbase that's completely modified to function as a large Hospital Base. She got everything that Starfleet Medical has back on Earth too. Together with the USS Aletta Jacobs and the USS Sophia the crew of Medical Base One can handle any and every Medical Emergency that comes around. The USS Aletta Jacobs and the USS Sophia are both Hospital Ships.


    You don't need any special software. All you need is an E-mail Client (an e-mail program). You don't even need to leave your home. The only thing you need to do is send an e-mail (post) once a week. That is all. It's completely free of charge. It only costs you about half an hour per week.


    Are you interested? Please visit our website: http://www.angelfire.com/planet/medicalbase/ or e-mail me at bernhardflokstra@hotmail.com or you can always PM me. You'll always get an response.



    Bernhard Flokstra


    Captain Bertus Hansman


  3. Hello everyone,


    I'm Captain Bertus Hansman, Commanding Officer of Medical Base One.


    Medical Base One is a brand new Star Trek based E-mail role play. It is set in 2386. She is the heart of Starfleet Medical in Deep Space.


    We are looking for new crew. New and veterain simmers are welcome.


    Are you a real Star Trek fan? You've got a good lot of active inmagination, You always wanted to feel what life on an Federation Starship or Starbase is like? The Medical Base One is THE THING FOR YOU.


    Want more information? Vissit our webpage:


    or e-mail bernhardflokstra@hotmail.com




    Captain Bertus Hansman

    Commanding Officer

    Medical Base One