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Posts posted by zmbsrxq

  1. And what if the personality of the trill and the personality of the host are polar oppisite?



    One instance I can think of in which the host and symbiont have a "personality conflict" is in the case of Joran Dax.

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    Joran Belar was host to Dax before Curzon. Upon joining, Joran Dax committed multiple murders of Trill on the homeworld. As a result, the Symbiosis Commission extracted Joran from Dax (killing Joran), put the Dax symbiont back in its pool habitat to recooperate from the experience, and completely wiped out the entire memory of the joining. Curzon never knew Joran Dax existed, the memories began to surface when Jadzia heard music composed by Joran.


    The only other occurance I can think of is when Verad tried to steal Dax's symbiont. The conflict here was that Jadzia (and Sisko and everyone on DS9) wanted Verad to return the Dax symbiont, while Verad Dax wanted to exist as a joined entity.


    If there is a conflict, the authorities (if on the homeworld, the Symbiosis Commission) would need to remove the symbiont from the host, and either restore it to its rightful host or return it to the symbiont pools on Trill.

  2. Trill who wish to be joined with a symbiont must apply through the Symbiosis Commission. Only one in one thousand Trill are accepted. If selected, Trill go through a rigorous training program to prepare them to deal with the lifetimes of memory they will soon recieve. Jadzia Dax went through this program, but Ezri Dax did not.

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    Ezri had no desire to be joined, but as she told Sisko, she was the only Trill on board the ship when something went wrong with the unjoined Dax symbiont (after Jadzia's death).
    Because of her lack of training and preperation, Ezri had a difficult time adjusting to being joined.


    I think that the symbionts can greatly influence their hosts.

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    Just look at what happened when Verad tried to steal Dax's symbiont. After he was joined, he conversed extensively with Sisko (a total stranger to Verad, but as Dax had known Sikso through both Jadzia and Curzon). Another example, when Jadzi peformed the Rite of Closure to meet all her previous hosts, Odo agreed to temporarily host Curzon, and as a result of that union Curzon almost remained in Odo's body permanently.


    I believe the purpose of the Trill host/symbiont relationship is twofold and mutually benefical. The symbionts, which are intelligent lifeforms, are also vulnerable, slug-like creatures ("small-soft bodied entities"). Being hosted by humanoid Trill offers them a means of communicating with unjoined Trill and other humanoid species, a certain amount of protection within the body of the host, and a vechicle to experience the universe outside of their pool habitats on the Trill homeworld. The humanoid hosts benefit from the knowledge and experience of several lifetimes they recieve when they join with the symbionts.


    I find it interesting that while Dax and other Trill on DS9 have spots, the Trill on TNG Odan, who was briefly joined with Riker, had ridges instead.


    If you'd like more information on Trill, I would suggest reading The Lives of Dax, and checking out these articles: and Wikipedia.

  3. According to The Lives of Dax, by the time of Tobin Dax's joined lifetime (according to in the late 21st or early 22nd century), humans and Trill were serving together on board interstellar starships. It is also stated in The Lives of Dax that Trill are the Vulcan's most recent first contact after humans (in 2063), so perhaps the Vulcans intitiated contact between humans and Trill.