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Posts posted by Delon

  1. The Reman are second class citizions! In Nemissis you see the Reman that are Prisonors, Reman are not Slaves!

    All conqured races in the romulan empire are second class citizions, This is the Romulans main problem. They should be made full citizions (can't become Prator because only a Romulan can hold that post) or exsterminated in the Romulan Empire we have 20 Races we conqured.

    Just a few!

    Reman (Remus)

    Othan (prto-Klingon)

    We also have a race that are cat like, a Proto-Gorn Race and an Incector Race.


    I belive the Romulans should make all conqured races Full citizens of the Empire, this would stop the internal problems the Romulans Have, and make the Romulans and even stronger power.


    We do not the Federations, the Way the Federations Lap Dogs the Klingons do!

  2. earth-romulan war?



    Not that I'm aware of. But there is a novel (which I wrote) detailing the Tomed incident, about which we heard in the first-season "Next Generation" episode "The Neutral Zone." The novel involves the Enterprise-B in the year 2311, with Captain John Harriman and Executive Officer Demora Sulu. It is called Serpents Among the Ruins.




    They should do a book on it, I hate the term Earth\Romulan War, because thoe it's never been stated as cannon, The Vulcans, Andorians, and Terlites (SP) help the Earth during the War! And Why would the Romulans get beat? Because we had a lot of Ships near the Klingon boarder, to prevent them from attacking us during are War.