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Posts posted by Moyan

  1. I was very disappointed with this episode in particular. All around,..


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    the last 5 seamed to be thrown together last minute or something. The Mirror Universe plot could have gotten a little thicker in my opinion, it seemed to kind of cut off in the middle. Other than that, i thought the 2 MU episode were good


    Now, the final 3 i have a few problems with. I like Terra Prime and Demons (I'm considering those the be the TRUE finale.

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    It seems like the general plot behind Demons and Terra Prime could have been a wonderful lead into a 5th season, and it seems like that might have been this plots original intent. It all seemed kind.... compressed. Couldn't you just imagine it,... isolationist and xenophobic humans increase by the thousands, ... Alliances begin to crumble,... it just seems like it would have been a great way to show one last Great divide among humans before the creation of the federation



    These are the Voyages, left me disillusioned and dissatisfied.

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    It had little to do with ENT itself, and as was previously mentions, little things like people not advancing in rank after 10yrs, the loose moral connection between Riker's Pegasus dilemma, and Trip's unwarranted sacrifice. Its a great episode, but its no finale. I don't recall any ST finale, as irrelevant, and disconnected from the main plot as this.


    Now as for Trip's incident, I was actually excited when i saw the explosion. Thats because i expected Trip to emerge from sickbay with a huge plasma burn scaring his face, .... like Trip's MU counterpart had. I simply thought it would have been an interesting parallel to the MU. However he did not emerge with a scar,... he died.


    His sacrifice had NO direct impact on anything but the immediate plot of THAT episode. It had nothing to do with anything else.... His death,... was unimportant, and that is insulting. Someone compared it to Tasha Yarr's senseless death, but that was different, She died at the end of the 1st season, Her death made an impact on the Crew and on future episodes (I liked how she turned out to have a romulan daughter,.. that was cool) But THIS,..... had nothing........


    .... i gave it a 4


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    Oh ya,.. now, granted.. i really wasnt able to keep up with ENT, i missed lots of episodes, and i missed the entire 1st season,... but i dont recall people using the chef as a counselor,.....