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Posts posted by RomanticStrings

  1. I voted yes, public officials are put in their postions by us and when they break the law they break the trust we have imposed on them.

    We don't exactly impose our trust on them; we put our trust in them. However, I think that really we put our trust in everyone to follow the rules, so everyone that breaks the law is as accountable as everyone else.



  2. I think their flagship is superior to a Romulan warbird (of course it is not superior to Reman Scimitar, as we all know  :blink: )...


    Mrs. Captain Picard

    Even though the Scimitar may be more powerful, we all know who won at the end. It seems to me that the Federation is the strongest militarily not only because of its ships (which may not be superior to eveyone) but also because of its men. The strategic aspect of military is an important one for considering best, and I have always held that the Federation is full of the best military strategists in the galaxy, if not universe.



  3. Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. I have not been keeping up with Star Trek at all. I haven't watched any Enterprise this year, and I watched very little last year. I got to see All Good Things... a few weeks ago, but I'm so busy that it just never fits into my schedule. I am severly lacking in any information for discussion, which is why you can only find me in Off-Topic discussions and Risa. The most Star Trek I get is the soundtracks, which I love and listen to a lot. I don't know what to do. I need to somehow find time to watch it. What makes me feel even worse is that I am finding that I feel like I don't need to watch it. I will feel so much better once I can get back into Star Trek. I need some advice.



  4. I'll try to answer them all:


    Can you cry under water? Yes.


    How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered? Isn't it when they are killed because of their opinions (martyred)?


    If money doesn't grow on trees then why do banks have branches? Because we like to believe it does.


    Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round? Because meat has no crust.


    Why do you have to "put your two cents in"...but it's only a "penny" for your thoughts"? Where does that extra penny go? Because you get less than you give.


    Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity? Depends on whether you change or not.


    Why does a round pizza come in a square box? Because it wouldn't work the other way around.


    What did cured ham actually have? Tapeworms.


    How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage? Because... I don't know.


    Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours? Maybe they should mean that they woke up every two hours.


    If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing? I couldn't hear you.


    If you drink Pepsi at work in the Coke factory, will they fire you? They might.


    Why are you IN a movie, but you're ON TV? Because it's easier to climb up on a TV then it is a movie screen.


    Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground? Because they feen control.


    How come we choose from just two people for President and fifty for Miss America? Actually, we pick from 200 people for president, but they are all so pitiful that we can easily pick two.


    Why do doctors leave the room while you change? They're going to see you naked anyway. It's a mental thing.


    If a 911 operator has a heart attack, whom does he/she call? To the operator in the next booth over.


    and finally...


    Why is "bra" singular and "panties" plural? Who knows?



  5. CJLP, I much prefer buying CDs. I like going into the store and browsing. It's a lot better than sitting in front of a screen and just moving and clicking the mouse. I also like to have the CD cases, and I can transport CDs with me everywhere. I bring CDs with me in the car even for a quick run to the store for milk and ice cream. I prefer CDs because they're legal, as well :)



  6. Well, I persoanlly stick with movie scores. I think that the music industry's only sin with those is that they don't publicize them enough. It's great music, IMHO, and it's always fresh and exciting. There are a few albums that are a little messed up because of the bureaucracy involved, but everything has alittle of that. And, though I don't buy to many classical CDs, it seems like that is doing fine. These download issues seem to be the biggest problem for the popsters. I know every kind of music can be found on the sharing sites, but I think that the pop music lovers have the biggest problem getting rid of their file sharing needs. It's not a matter of cost, but, rather, it's a matter of people having no regard for the law. Because something doesn't work for people, they go to illegal acts before even trying to change the law. Most nations are becoming more democratic, and one of the major benefits to democracy is that the people have the power to change things. We need to get the music industry to lower their prices, we need to start earning more money, or we need to start making our own music to cancel the need for buying it or file sharing it. This can be delt with legally.



  7. Everyone realized that this article was about a book that attacks political correctness, right? It seemed like you were attacking the article directly, but you agree with it. I think that we should all go buy this book. I know that I'd like to.



  8. The American Dream to me has always been the white picket fence, with a lovely wife, two great children, a dog, and a great house and car. That represents for me working hard, achieving greatness, and being happy. I think that equality will come with that, and freedomg and opportunities to achieve are already there. Sure, some people don't want that, but the truth is that many people want and promote through their work and lives equality, feedom, and achievemnt.



  9. Yes, I will be the first to admit men have a thing for gadgets, and it's so much easier to talk on a cellphone while on the job or out of the house than it is at home. Partially because we can never get to the home phone :) No, seriously. It's always been a fact that men like gadgets, and not those home cooking gadgets. I mean the sleek, spyish gadgets. They're so cool, what man couldn't like them? Now, the content of those calls? That's another thing. Plus, who knows who was actually on the phone. Men could have been using women's phones sometimes, and women could have been using men's phones sometimes in the study.



  10. But do you understand the physics of safety.  A car driven the right way is safe, no matter what the mass.  Of course, an SUV traveling at "x" speed needs more time to slow down than a smaller car travelling at "x" speed.  But an SUV traveling at "safe" speed with attentive driver needs less time to slow down because driver reacts quickly and smartly to situation and avoids accident.



    drive carefully and have a safe life.

    When I say "safe," being in parenthesis, I mean to use it like a variable, but I mean really the legal speed, or driving under or up to the posted speed limit. I do drive safe, actually, but thank you.



  11. But do you understand the physics of safety. A car driven the right way is safe, no matter what the mass. Of course, an SUV traveling at "x" speed needs more time to slow down than a smaller car travelling at "x" speed. But an SUV traveling at "safe" speed with attentive driver needs less time to slow down because driver reacts quickly and smartly to situation and avoids accident.



  12. TheUnicornHunter, did you ever hear of the Tallahassee Swing Band?


    I voted symphony. Hands down, that's be my favorite. Pure orchestral bliss, that's what I say. I'm actually going to a Boston Pops concert this summer with the Pops, John Williams, and Josh Groban. I also plan to attend my local orchestra's pops and classical concerts in the fall and winter. I love this stuff.



  13. SAV actually means Sports Activity Vehicle. BMW's X5, to be exact. Sports Assault Vehicle seems to mean that the vehicle is made and used specifically to kill. Is that what you mean? Any person that owns an SUV (or SAV) should be arrested on the charge of attempted, premeditated murder? Wouldn't that clog our jail system? Then we'd have to pay taxes to get more jails, let other prisoners go, and then we'd have a mess. Not to mention all of those soccer-playing kids with no moms. They'd need housing. Their fathers can't handle them on their own. We'd need to house the kids or teach our men how to become moms. This would be a big money spender. Oh, wait, you'd love to spend money making the roads a safer place by making everyone drive little plastic cars that would be destroyed upon hitting a squirrel. Hmm...



  14. SUVs aren't the problem. The SUVs don't kill people. It's the drivers. The accidents are 100% the driver's fault, not that of the SUV. We should tax bad drivers and weight their speeding tickets. SUVs aren't bad drivers and SUVs don't speed. How could you weight a speeding ticked based on size when the size doesn't matter. Speeding is speeding. The drivers are the problem. It is outrageous to even attempt to blame SUVs.



  15. TV:

    Harmon Rabb from J.A.G.

    Captain Jean-Luc Picard

    Al Bundy from Married... With Children



    Alan Grant from Jurassic Park

    Doc Brown from BTTF

    Lamont Cranston/The Shadow from The Shadow (1994)


    Alan Grant is my favorite character of all time. I grew up with him, and it's my favorite movie. Jurassic Park has defined me. It defined my movie, music, personality/behavior, and wardrobe tastes. I never even realized it, but I've dressed like Doctor Grant most of my almost (June 29th!) 17 years of life. I act like the characters from JP, and my favorite music of all time is that from JP (John Williams is my favorite composer of all time). I would venture to say that my personality is a mix of Alan, Ian, John, and mabe even Genarro (I hope not Nedry). It has defined my life, and it sounds pretty pitiful, I know, but it's so much more than that. I have really become a better person because of it, I believe. Ah, behold the power of movies.

