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Posts posted by trekkergirl220

  1. well i haven't been here for about 3 months or so..(very busy with schoolwork and such) so i haven't gotten a chance to meet all the new ppl who have come in my absense. Your prob all good captains, but I have no idea, so of the ppl i do know here i'd say that all the soongs, RC, vgb, INDY!!, alterego, ddillard, the unicorn minds going blank i can't think of anyone..well anyways, all of the above, some more mods, more ppl and i would pick 'em because of their great sense of humor, obvious leadership qualities, and just all around greatness :) luv ya all!!! :)


    ~Em :)

  2. I like all of them, although because we had too choose, I would probably say DS9 (not that I have anything aginst it it, I really like it, just compared to the others, I like it the least.)


    my order, although it changes constantly, is:




    VOY (lol trekkiemage, it moved up! remember "how are you liking ENT?" :o)


  3. We have a forum for personal logs at star trek haven, and it works great. Its a really cool idea, and if you don't want to have a personal log, you don't have to. If you don't don't want to put any personal info on the web, don't worry, the personal logs are just about what you did that day, or at least, thats the way we do them at STH. And If you want to have people respond, you may put that at the beginning of your entry, if not, say so. Its been really fun doing it, so I'm all for it.

  4. I don't recall any other Star Trek changing their theme song.  I think this is a bad precedent to be setting.


    Oh, I voted No.  I much prefer the original.  Yes, Data, the intro still shows the progress of space travel.  I didn't notice any change in that.

    Yes, I think they did change tng, but its hardly noticeable. I only know that from Star trek Sound and Vision, because you can dowload theme songs there if you want, and there is a different one for 1-3 and 4-7 if I recall correctly. I did not notice the change in tng until I listened to them there. If they had to change ENT, they should of made it less noticable, althought the better course of action would have been to not change it at all! I voted no, I did not like it.

    I do agree with Data though that its a good thing they kept the same intro in appearence, becuase that would have totally bummed me out if they had changed not only the song, but that as well.

  5. I have a lot of emotional moments in films. I cried during almost the entire movie while watching "I am Sam" thats the saddest movie ever. Also "a walk to remember" and "titanic" both are eally sad. and of course, data dying :borg2:


    Also, several episodes of the Twilight Zone, especially Walking Distance and Kick the Can.


    omg, yes, the end of "kick the can" is sad! I love that epsiode. (I like movies that make me sad, I don't really know why though) I don't really remember walking distance that well, but if someone told me what it was about I would probably remember getting a lump in my throat in that one too.


    As for scary movies, sixth sense and the shinning are probably two of the more scarirer movies that I've seen.

  6. only child and I'm not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing. I've always wanted siblings, and at the same time not wanted them. I do have a lot of cousins though. My mom is the 8th of 11 kids so I have about 30 first cousins, and they're kind of like siblings to me. We're alll really really close (none of them like star trek though :borg2:)

  7. I'm currently a teenager. I agree with everyone that todays kids/teens are spending to much time indoors and are not very fit, although that doesn't mean everyone everywhere is. I have a great nighborhood with a bunch of kids, and a great large yards/woods. Plus we're right by the ocean. So in the area where I live, we don't have much of a problem with laziness and obesity. I don't have cable, so I really don't watch that much t.v at all, with the exception of star trek, (which I either go to the hospital where my dad works, and watch it there, or watch it on dvd). I don't have that much music to listen to, and what I do listen to it at night usually, so no problems there, also, I don't have video games. The only time I'm on the computer is basically for, star trekhaven or instant messaging, all of which I've tried to cut down on the time I spend there because its interfereing with my hw a little. And although I have made a lot of friends over the web, I still have a bunch of real friends and know real people.


    btw, I'm not trying to be defending today's teens or anything, I know that kind of wht it sounds like, because actually, it is the sad truth. I'm just saying what I'm like.


    I think its mostly the fault of todays electronic media and the amount of things available to kids, such as computers and video games, maybe if all that weren't around, kids who stayed in side would get out more. and then the fact that if you live in dangerous neighborhoods, maybe parents wouldn't want there children to go outside, which I can understand.


    I don't know what high school PE classes are now but they were a joke when I was in school.  Too much emphasis on competitive sports and no, zilch, nada instruction on personal fitness. 


    I think thaty that still is a little of the case at elast at my school) they require you to take a sport every trimester, and its really competitive. Although I tlike sports, and I play a lot of them, even without them being requied, I still wish there was more instruction on fitness.