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Posts posted by Argelian
I do not think a Vulcan would ever wear an outfit like the one in your avatar, so it was rather apparent that she was Romulan. The point you made about the reunification episode is a valid one. Are you refering to that insane article on startrek.com?Quite true on both accounts
Romulans don't have hair folicals in their face like other races.I read something similar to that. Valeris. I can't tell you where, sorry. I read so much on Romulans that it gets lost in the woodworking sometimes.
I always took it for a fact. I think that all the confusion was caused by non-canon material that said something different.They would have never done the episode with the reunifcationists if it wasn't. Such an article is ridiculous.
You know, that is a really dirty trick picking a really hot Vulcan chick as your avitar and then saying you are male in your profile. :o :(Reminds me of FFXI with all these guys running around with naked Mithra's :(
And she's s'posed to be a Romulan without ridges :(
Who would cull the Remans? Your post is unclear. If you mean the Romulans, so long as they keep them under control, it is not necessary to cull them. Just "accidently" shove Shinzon off a cliff. LOLWell its about honor...the Remans are second class citizens, and by
doing what they did they have essentially 'dishonored' the Romulans. You must note that Romulan honor is intense. If one is very dishonored they usually take their own life. The Remans really Dishonored the Romulans by coming to power, and then to rule over them...bad pudding I say :(
They would likely face the vengence of such treachery (In the Romulans Eyes I would Think)
Fascinating, and seemingloy accurate. I have the Rihannsu books on my shelf, waiting to be read, but one can see in the people as a whole a desire for their Empire to trimph. It is amazing how disunited the Romulans can seem on their own planet, but when it comes to facing others, they immediately are a whole, united against enemies who might seek to harm their Empire.Yep, very true.
Thats sweet! :(
USS Saratoga?
The actor was...but not the Character :(
Yeah it was freakish...but wasn't the actor that portrays Paris the guy who got kicked out of Nova Squadron for his accident when Wesley was at SF Acad? (Maybe its the sleep depression talking...but I seem to remember him being that cadet also)
Anything with an actual 'story' would be good.
I mean...how can you not like Kirk and the rest of the TOS gang? :(
Its quite odd...I think they would cull the Remans first.
Because beards itch. Sheesh, is it really that hard to accept?:(
Ain't that the truth :(
DS9 - Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
I felt so sorry for Cretak :( ...evil section 31 and Admiral Ross :( .
I just have to toss this in: I know that the ST books are not considered to be canon the way the SW books are to that saga, but my all time favorite portrayals of the Romulans has to be Diane Duane's My Enemy, My Ally and The Romulan Way. What a beautifully intricate look at Romulan (Rihannsu) society. They totally made the Romulans feel like real people, not just another enemy of the Federation. :([/color]
You should read "Honor Blade" and "Sword Hunt"
At least to finish that 4 part series :(
Nemesis...well that was a farce. I really don't see how Romulans would have ever let a Reman (A reman Human at all) to come to any power or generalship. Heh, in fact...I think they were trying to use the 'Kahn' type Enemy and 'Data' as Spock in STII. Its failed terribly. And I don't see why Romulans would mine much dilithium at that time...since their power cores are quantum singularities....Wow, perfectly stated, I agree completely. With your whole post but especially that part. *stands up and claps* :(
Thanks... Heh
I think they ran into a problem, when they used a new writer to make the movie (one new to trek) and they tried to use old themes. It just didn't flow...tho I must admit the CGI was Awesome :(
I have heard...that genetically they do not grow any hair...other then on their scalp. Like a lot of Asians don't have much hair
Vulcans are the origin of the Romulans...
Its a fact in the ST Universe :(
Most Romulans are loving and caring people...towards one another. They are extremely Xenophobic, but can one blame them? I mean their alliance with the Klingons was nothing more then one sided, they were constantly bullied by the Klingons. They have had some bad instances with species outside their own, which has done nothing to improve their phsyche.
Also...the Romulan Galae hates the tal'shiar as much as anyone else :( Romulans are very much like Japanese in culture (From what i have read) in the way they respect and honor each other.
Another thing...about Romulans.
According to LUG. "The Way of D'era" is that they believed they are endowed by gods called Vorthie, to rule the galaxy. They feel that their cousins (the Vulcans) abandoned that mission by ending their Passion of life.
-Rihannsu honor their word, when it is given to another Rihannsu -- to break with one's word means dishonor, a fate worse than death. Politeness, respect, and quiet dignity are always required if Mnhei'sahe is to be satisfied.Rihannsu honor power as much as they honor loyalty. The goal of each Rihannsu is power -- if not for them self or their House, then always for the Empire. Though Rihannsu are always loyal to the Empire itself ((not any one person)), they can go against the 'official' government if they feel it benefits their people. For the Rihannsu, power can not be defined in the Terran terms of monetary wealth, it is the power of Mnhei'sahe, and it defines the structure within Rihannsu society. -
That is a short explination of the Honor, that Dianue Duane uses in her "Rihannsu" Series
BTW That was me :(
I have read (ST Wise) That Romulan ale is strong, but its also corosive (not sure if thats the proper term) to the throat. However, the Romulan wine is much stronger, but not as corosive
Well its really hard to tell. The Romulans themselves are not bad, but their practices and Xenophobia of other species cause an undue arrogance. I doubt they will ever be a member of the Federation, for one reason and that is because they feel they are "endowed by gods" to rule the Galaxy (According to LUG) at least.
Orginally TOS, I saw Romulans with more of an asiatic influence (At least that is how it seemed) In TNG and DS9 however, they moved more towards the Roman and etc.
Nemesis...well that was a farce. I really don't see how Romulans would have ever let a Reman (A reman Human at all) to come to any power or generalship. Heh, in fact...I think they were trying to use the 'Kahn' type Enemy and 'Data' as Spock in STII. Its failed terribly. And I don't see why Romulans would mine much dilithium at that time...since their power cores are quantum singularities....
Just a thought
The former head of our Romulan simming org, made several reference images for us. (He used to work for LUG) anyways...here one of his sketches of our Gai'Shian (What we call marines)
I thought it looked neat
Vulcans and Romulans
in Romulan Embassy
Yeah, but then you might be mistaken as an elf :lol: