I have yet to watch my season 6 downloads (no cable), but I previewed this episode! YES, EXTREMELY FUNNY!
Also, here's 2 Trek referrences:
"Secrets and Lies"
Max, a main character, is off in LA looking for a 2nd shape shifting alien. (Long story! ) Anywho, to get access to Paramount Pictures, where he suspects the alien is possing as a producer, Max gets an agent and auditions for Enterprise! He auditions with John Billingsly out of makeup and Johnathan Frakes is there as the ENT director when he really directed the Roswell episode!
Here's another!
The Time Machine
After Vox the "compendium of all human knowledge" ridicules Alex for thinking time travel is possible, Vox asks if there's anything else. Alex, the time traveler, says he'll try back in a few hundred years. Vox makes the Vulcan hand sign and says, "Live long and prosper!" followed by a TOS door sound effect! :lol: John Logan wrote the movie right before he wrote NEMESIS, thus him being a Trekkie, he stuck in the joke!
So, anyone catch either of these? What else is there to look for?!