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ST - Wheel of Fortune

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ST - Wheel of Fortune

Seventh Session


Today [9/13] at 4:00 PM (ET) I will be hosting a special Star Trek Trivia session. We will be playing “Wheel of Fortune.” I originally wanted a team-work game, but I guess I’ll go with this for the seventh session.


I think we all know how this game-show works.


Of course we won’t have a wheel. I’m going to use a 12 faced die. Each # will represent something different.


1 ~ 1 point

2 ~ Bankrupt

3 ~ 1 point

4 ~ 1/2 a point

5 ~ Free Role (“Free Spin”) / 1 Point

6 ~ 1/4 a point

7 ~ Lose a Turn

8 ~ 1/2 a point

9 ~ Bankrupt

10 ~ 1/4 a point

11 ~ 1/4 a point

12 ~ 3 points!


You can also buy a vowel for a 1/2 a point.


And of course everyone will be taking turns


Right now I’m going to start to make the game and make each phrase/word/name to each puzzle. If there is any question off hand you have right now, then please ask.



Master Q

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Star Trek Trivia Session 7




. . .

And NOW,



It is the ONE and -ONLY-


[many cheers]

"It is not a crisis . . . . It IS A problem"

LOL (In case you don't know the governor from my state said that during the gas problem we were having)

. . .

The War May Be Over, ...

But The Shock And Ah …

Lives On...

With Master Q


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Again Hello & Welcome


I'm obviously Master Q your host


We will be playing Wheel . . . Of . . . .Fortune!



Now you all know how to play Wheel of Fortune (at least hopefully) so I won't have to go over the major rules. Of course when we play here it will be a bit different. We don't have a "wheel" to spin. What will substitute for the wheel will be a die. When it comes to your turn I will role a 12 faced die . . . .


1 = 1 point

2 = Bankrupt

3 = 1 point

4 = 1/2 a point

5 = Free Role (“Free Spin”) / 1.5 points

6 = 1/4 a point

7 = Lose a Turn

8 = 1/2 a Point

9 = Bankrupt

10 = 1/4 a point

11 = 1/4 a point

12 = 3 points!


Yes, you can buy a vowel. A vowel will cost you 1/2 a point. (If you want to buy a vowel please do so before I roll the die)


Please wait until it is your turn. I will call out whose turn it is doing each turn.


Here is a quick example of what the game-board will look like:


_ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ = Star Trek





Any Questions?


Good Luck & Enjoy!


Our First Category is Person . . . .

_ _ r _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ a / _ _ _ w a

N u r s e / A l y s s a / O g a w a


If you remember she was on TNG. She first was a nameless extra, but later she got a name and that's Alyssa Ogawa.


Our Second Category is Episode . . . .

_ h _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ i _ _ / _ _ i _ _ _ _

T h e / T r o u b l e s / W i t h / T r i b b l e s


Our Third Category is The Star Trek ~Universe~ . . . .

_ c q _ _ s _ t o n

A c q u i s i t i o n


Q: When I say "acquisition" what first comes to mind? {2 points}A: The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition [and the "acquisition" episode]


Our Forth Category is Mythology & Star Trek. . . .

F r _ _ r / T _ c _

F r i a r / T u c k


Q: What episode has a connection to Friar Tuck? {2 points}

A: QPid


Our Fourth Category is Science/Mathematics . . . .

_ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ n _ _ _ _ n

T r i g o n o m e t r i c / F u n c t i o n


(You know, that up and down up and down looking wave?)

(But of course it takes the shapes of other things too)


Q: In general terms in a right triangle sin theta = opp/hyp. Correct? So what does tan theta = ?

A: tan theta = opp/adj


Q: (Just like the other problem) What does csc theta =? (using general terms such as opp, hyp, adj)

A: csc theta = hyp/opp

csc theta = (sin theta)^-1

which of course equals 1 / (sin theta)


Our Fifth Category is People of Star Trek . . . .

_ _ i _ _ / _ _ i m _ _ / _ _ m _ _

O r i o n / A n i m a l / W o m e n


Q: What color are these women? {2 points}

A: Green



In This Puzzle no one will be taking turns and no one will be guessing letters. You can only guess to solve the puzzle. The person to do this will win 5 points.


_ o _ u _ a _ / _ e _ t _ a _ / _ o _ e

R o m u l a n / N e u t r a l / Z o n e


The Final Puzzle

(This will work the same as the last one, BUT it will be worth 10 points)


h u _ u h u _ u _ u _ u _ u _ u a _ _ a' a




Master Q

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Points Made In This Session -






















Good Job Everyone!

I hope everyone had a good time.


For myself I’m not a big Wheel of Fortune fan so I’m not the best judge on this. . . ., but how did everyone like it? I probably won’t do Wheel of Fortune in our next session, but if you guys liked it more then (or the = to) regular trivia then we could see a good # of sessions like this

So what does everyone think?


. . .


{Theses points will be added in to your total score on Friday}



Master Q

Edited by master_q

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