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Board Names, Should We Change Them?


30 members have voted

  1. 1. Board Names, Should We Change Them?

    • Yes, the current name setting is confusing (Read posting before voting)
    • No, I think they are fine as they are (Read posting before voting)
    • I don't care either way (Read posting before voting)

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It has been proposed that we should chang the board names. The proposed changes are as follows:



Star Trek: TOS


Star Trek (the original series)



Star Trek: TNG


Star Trek The Next Generation



Star Trek: DS9


Star Trek Deep Space Nine



Star Trek: VOY


Star Trek Voyaver



Star Trek: ENT



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Maybe just change ST:Ent to Enterprise since that's really the name of the show, isn't it? :wow: Other than that, I'd say leave it, don't wanna clutter up the Board too much and don't we all know what those abbreviations mean??? :laugh:

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People must be confused really easily if they can't figure out that Star Trek: DS9 is the Deep Space 9 forum

Agreed. These boards are made for fans of Star Trek. We all have at least a basic knowledge of Trek and are obviously intelligent (since we like Trek). I don't think there are any problems with the board names.

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I voted yes.  Not becuase of confussion, but becuase I don't like abreviations in place of official titles. :laugh:


Besides, we all know it's Star Trek...  Why not just put the name of the series and drop the "Star Trek" part?

I like Picard's idea. Otherwise I think it should be left the way it is. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

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I think we should just leave it.

I don’t see any big or necessary reason to change them.


So I voted “No, I think they are fine as they are (Read posting before voting)”



Master Q

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I voted yes.  Not becuase of confussion, but becuase I don't like abreviations in place of official titles. :D


Besides, we all know it's Star Trek...  Why not just put the name of the series and drop the "Star Trek" part?

What would be the difference between abbreviating the series name and dropping the Star Trek? If you drop Star Trek from TNG, DS9 and Voyager you are abbrievating their titles because Star Trek is part of their official titles. :tear:

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if one is smart enough to understand Trek, one should be smart enough to get that TNG = The Next Gen.


It's all good!

TNG? The Next Gen? Are you talking about The Next Generation?


J/K of course. I voted that I really don't care either way. I think that they work just fine the way they are but if they are changed than I don't see that it will change the way I post much. I will say that perhaps changing ENT to Enterprise and VOY to Voyager might not be a bad idea. But I think TOS, DS9, and TNG work just fine.

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I voted for the third option, mainly because I think Star Trek: ENT should be changed to just Enterprise. That is the name of the show after all.

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Hey, thanks for asking for our input on this!


I voted no, leave them as they are. I agree with many of the previous posters who point out that Star Trek fans are more than aware of what TOS, TNG, VOY, DS9, and ENT stand for. We also know what TMP, TWOK, TSFS, TVH, TFF, TUC, GEN, FC, INS, and NEM mean too!!!

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Ok the No's have it, we don't change the board names. I myself don't see it as a big issue if the shows are abreviated. Everyone here knows what they mean. One change I will make is for Enterprise. I had formatted it the same as the others only so they would be "Dress right dress" (for those of you never in the military that means uniform and neatly in order).

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Hmmm...can't Vote anymore???...ok then



But I'd just like to add that I think TOS Forum should just be called "Star Trek"...c'mon...we'll all know what it is...and that was the Name of the show :blink:

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