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How Did They Do That?

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I saw "Relics" last night for about the 15th time and I just noticed something strange. when the Enterprise beamed Scotty and Geordie out of the Janolen just before the fired the Photon torpeods...How were they able to beam them through the Janolen's Sheilds? I always thought you couldn't beam someone when the sheilds were up.

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They didn't beam through the shields. They Enterprise-D flew straight at the Janolen, Scotty & Geordi droped the shields, the Enterprise-D beamed them aboard while firring a volley of torpedoes, the ship exploded as Geordi & Scotty materrialised on the Enterprise, then the ship pulled an evasive maneuver so as to not be destroyed by the closing door.

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Exactly, the shields were already failing and they dropped them in the split second before the volley of torpedoes were fired.

Great Job CJLP!!

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Actually..I've read that it's an admitted Mistake :blink:



But you do offer a Good explinatiom....except that they Energized the Beam Before the torpedos were fired and the shield were still up when the Torpedos hit

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Actually..I've read that it's an admitted Mistake  :laugh:



But you do offer a Good explinatiom....except that they Energized the Beam Before the torpedos were fired and the shield were still up when the Torpedos hit

With both being engineers and scotty's ship being very well old, they probably found a way to beam through the shields.

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i have also heard that it is an admitted mistake by the producers.. they transport before the torpedos hit, and the shields are still up then so it shouldn't be possible..

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I read an article where this was brought up somewhere, and it was admitted that is was an oversite that they did not think about until the fans brought it to their attemtion.

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If I had the time..I would write down all the major "goofs" in TNG history and then we could nitpick..unfourtantly I must sleep sometime :o I agree with Jean Lucs theory and that seeing Scotty back in action was awseome. "No A,B,C or D! Just plain old Enterperise"

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There was always a split second hole in the loop cycle or some darned thing which allowed beaming in on Star Trek....

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Actually..I've read that it's an admitted Mistake  :o



But you do offer a Good explinatiom....except that they Energized the Beam Before the torpedos were fired and the shield were still up when the Torpedos hit

The Star Trek people should know never to admit a mistake. We fans can always figure out a loophole.

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This episode was made from a book.


Read the book!!!

It's very good!!!


The details from the book can't compare to the TV episode.


A lot more details and goodies pertaining to Scotty's transporter loop to stay alive for so long.


Plus a whole sub story about Riker beaming down to where they found the contruction equipment to build the Dyson Sphere.


Last but not least, the details of dropping the shields, teleporting Scotty and Geordi, then torpedo-ing the Janolen.

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then the ship pulled an evasive maneuver so as to not be destroyed by the closing door

I wonder if that Ensign got a commendation for that

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The way i see it, the jenolen, as well as many other vessels of that era, had a certain refresh rate for the shields, and scotty with the knowledge of that refresh rate was able to time the transport just right. And since the transporters of the

Ent-D are a fair amount more advanced they were probably capable of fitting with-in that refresh rate.

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then the ship pulled an evasive maneuver so as to not be destroyed by the closing door

I wonder if that Ensign got a commendation for that

It is indeed a pretty impressive maneuver, she was probably promoted :theforce:

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