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Mayweather's Horizon

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Finally...the ensign's day is coming. We have seen a dedicated story for every member of the crew except Travis. From the preview, it looks interesting. Mr. Mayweather has pulled the crew out of some sticky situations over the past season and a half. Hopefully this episode will alleviate him from "that guy at the helm." syndrome. Thoughts anyone?

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SuraksSoul it's good to see you! Haven't seen you post for a little while.


Next weeks episode looks interesting, I'd like to see them bring his character out more.

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I'm also hopeing next week's episode will finally make a real character from the almost guest star role. UPN is billing it as an major event so i guess it will be good. There is much potential for Mayweather, and now he's going to get his own episode. Can't wait.

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Yeah, in a future episode, he has to parallel park or have his galactic drivers license revoked, Like Tom Paris did when he had to show he was a safe driver. :wow:

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Travis has not yet "proven" himself, not the writers has given him much space. This episode will probably make him a lot more popular. At least we will find out if the producers not only choose him for his body :blink: even though I can imagine some girls seeing the show only for all the good-looking men in it..

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According to the preview article of "Horizon" at, part of the episode will deal with Phlox and T'Pol watching a horror movie (Frankenstein). Interesting little note there.

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According to the preview article of "Horizon" at, part of the episode will deal with Phlox and T'Pol watching a horror movie (Frankenstein).  Interesting little note there.

It will be interesting to see if a classic horror movie will have any type of effect on a Vulcan. If would be nice to see T'Pol react when something unexpected happens during the movie or better yet - if she had a nightmare or something later.

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Definitely!! and I think it would be funny if it made her jump too, as it would show that she and vulcans in general are not as perfect as they would have everyone believe! :blink:

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