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I was disappointed in it my first time viewing, felt pretty bored, actually. I'll watch it again on subscription TV, see if it improves before deciding to buy or not.

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I was disappointed in it my first time viewing, felt pretty bored, actually. I'll watch it again on subscription TV, see if it improves before deciding to buy or not.


I had mix experience. The visuals mainly turned me off. And a lot of the story, but I loved seeing the actors in the rolls again.

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I'm sooo very tired of all superhero movies, comic book movies ... I probably won't see this ever. I think I watched the first one, but I don't remember. I am declaring a personal moratorium on ALL movies based on comic book characters from here on out! LOL! Including Ironman, even though I love Robert Downey, Jr.


I feel like Dr. Cox on Scrubs. The only thing getting him out of bed in the morning was the chance that he might get to kick Hugh Jackman's arse that day! I feel the same way about anyone wearing tights, a cape, or tooling around in a Batmobile. Slap a Star Trek communicator on those red shirts and put them to work on a real movie or t.v. series. :yahoo:

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