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I just watched the first 2 episodes last week.


The bad news is, it is going to take me a while to warm up to Matt Smith as the Dr. I feel he is bringing a little too much Tennent to the role instead of making it his own.


The good news is, a favorite writer of mine survived the re-staffing event so at least some of the stories will likely appeal to me.

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I have never see it, I know I have heard the name. What channel does it play on?
BBC America in the United States. I don't have cable myself so I just torrent.

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Did anyone see the ending to last week's episode "Cold Blood" coming? The cracks in time:

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yes. It would make sense that it would be caused by the destruction of the TARDIS. What I didn't see coming was Rory getting killed and being erased from history (as far as we know now at least).

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