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Star Trek Sneakers

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Perfect for lounging in Ten Forward, for a workout in the holodeck, or while hiking in Yosemite!

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This all sounds a bit too close to "Spaceballs: the Flamethrower".


Of course the idea that people would spend money on ordinary sneakers with a Star Trek logo is a sign the economy might be improving. Once things like Salad Shooters, Flowbees, Pet Rocks, and other frivilous stuff becomes profitable it means consumers have disposable income.

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I'm not saying anything is wrong with the Salad Shooter per se, and I would never presume to tell consumers what they can and can't buy with their own money, but does it meet a basic survival need? Not really. The Salad Shooter is an example of a product that fills a need that didn't exist before the product's invention.


Plus, once you have the Salad Shooter, you need to follow up with the Salad Scooper to pick up the salad shards that don't get into the bowl.


As for Ronco - Come on, they used to make an egg scrambler that would scramble eggs while still inside the shell! Sure it looks cool, but what is the point? You have to break the shell to get at the egg anyway, right?

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