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And Chakotay can't do karate...he can just summon his stupid spirit guide.

GhostofMajorHayes knows karate?.... :look: Please elaborate!


I know I know........ :)


We now return to our regularly scheduled topic.......



In order to stay on topic, yes...he knows karate. He's the Ralph Macchio of my heart. :look:

I'm also a black belt in Tae Kwon Doe. I also taught karate for years.......can I be the Chuck Norris of your heart?..... :lol:



kor, you've got to be the only tae kwon do "black belt" that misspells his art :lol: Taekwondo is one of only a few arts that i hold black belt ranking in and FYI Chuck Norris is a Tang soo do expert, not a karate expert.




I have been actively practicing for 26 years and an instructor for 15 years.

I did misspell that didn't I?..... :blink:


I just mentioned Chuck because he's cool. I really didn't know which art he practiced. Please tell me which other arts you hold a black belt in. I'm incredibly impressed!... :bow:








Not a prob. my friend. :) Chuck is cool. I even recall when he gave honorary black belts to then president George H.W. Bush and later former AK Gov. and current Rep. contender Mike Huckabee. Norris' work with at risk youth and his Kick Drugs out of America program are a great outlet for some otherwise troubled kids to find their place in the world. He is cool. I will PM you the rest of the info. If i don't get a chance to talk to you have a great holiday season. It is good to meet another trek fan that is also a martial artist. :lol:

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everyone i've known since i joined. especially the regulars who comment on my personal log... they know who they are... i don't need to list names..

Edited by stvoyagerfan21

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There are some really neat sounding people here, so to pick any 5 would be real tough. I think 2 would have to be Kor, because he has the Metal Men comic collection and TUH because she just sounds very interesting and smart

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I see I made a few lists... Not sure that's a good thing in some cases, but here's my list:


1. Kira T Phaserman

2. MrPsychic

3. Van Roy

4. Alter Ego

... and final number five is... I'll get back to you...

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