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Trek plates

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The Star Trek collectors plates are awesome..I like them..I have 4 of them..I have the DS9: Emissary plate and of course the Kira Nerys plate..Plus 2 TOS Enterprise plates..I would like to buy more though..

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I love the collector's plates and I often look at them on E-bay. I've only purchased one though and that was years and years ago when the Spock plate first came out (I'm pretty sure it was the first one) and I gave it to my brother for a birthday present. He still has it hanging on his wall. Someday I'd like to pick up a few exceptional ones, maybe of my favorite characters.

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At one point, the Ontario gov't offered Star Trek license plates. They featured the TNG-era Starfleet logo and the following code: ##ST##. Or they could be customized, I once saw NCC1701C but it was really crammed in there.


I wish they still had them. Of course, I'd need a car first and be able to drive.

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How about this type of plate: ON96ST.jpg

not exactly what i was thinking but it could apply to those kind of plates. i nevver did imply what sort of plate actually.

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