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Chance of an Enterprise TV Movie?

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I haven't seen the season finale yet but I was just wondering if it's possible to get an Enterprise TV movie at some point down the road that might tie up some loose ends and also give the show the send off it deserves. Has there been any talk about this from TPTB?


It's happened with other shows that were killed off early. Even Serenity is coming to the big screen.

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No way not a chance.




Is there really such little demand? I live in Germany, but just seeing how many Trek-related websites there are in the U.S. and the interest is so global. Obviously there's a huge audience for Enterprise, but UPN wasn't finding it. I imagine syndication will allow the show to get a much broader audience, and who knows? Who would have thought that ST TOS would have resulted in all this?

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The interest in "Star Trek" is strong.


However the interest in "ENT" is not.



Not even with the apparently vast improvement in Season 4?

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No because whether or not you or I think ENT improved in season four doesn't really matter.


The ratings are what counted and they were very poor for season four.

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Sadly I have to say no. Though a TV movie doesn't sound good to begin with anyway.

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