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Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince

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To be honest, I feel that all the "good characters" in the books are dull.


Dumbledore most of all.


It's only the "evil" characters like Draco, Lucius, Narcissa, Snape, Voldemort etc, that make the HP books interesting.

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I am still feeling a mixture of sadness and anger over what happens at the end of the book. While it is well written with decent pacing, etc. I am concerned (as a children's librarian) with how children will react to this book. The death of a major and beloved character who has been a mentor may be very upsetting to some children (and certain adults :lol: ) I know of at least one kid who has stopped reading the book with 50 pages to go. He doesn't want to read any more after what happened. While this conclusion was probably inevitable, it is still upsetting and written in a very wrenching emotional way. I'm not criticizing JKR for a poor job (because it is well written), I'm just hoping kids bounce back from this turn of events. Perhaps I'M just being over emotional about this (very possible).

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Do you think he had any other choice? Other than to blow his cover. I am sure Dumbledore knew that. And i'm sure that he is coming back like Gandolf the grey did in LOTR

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Thats true- But the memory of Dubledore is alive within Harry. be sure to see him fight Voldie one on one and have some of Dumbledore come out
Edited by Ambassador tinadoll

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Well, I'm sure he's not. That's not JKR's style. Dead means dead.



Who dies?! OMG I don't want to read the book now. :lol:

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To be honest, I feel that all the "good characters" in the books are dull.


Dumbledore most of all.


It's only the "evil" characters like Draco, Lucius, Narcissa, Snape, Voldemort etc, that make the HP books interesting.




Is the King evil then? Looking for role models? :lol:

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Because I think, that Dumbledore wouldn't want someone to become a killer. To use an unforgivealbe curse. He wouldn't ask for that. That's not Dumbledore's style. And I don't think that Dumbledore would sacrifice himself for Snape and Draco. Dumbledore is good, but he isn't stupid.


It's a war against the greatest terror the wizarding world has ever known. DD would do anything he knew it took to make sure he was defeated.


Yes, I think he would sacrifice himself. I also think he knows he can "choose" to die or be a ghost. DD will be in year 7, of that there is no doubt.


And I really don't understand, why Snape being evil is such a bad thing. I liked him much better this book, especially in the 2nd chapter. We don't have a childish stupid man any more, we have real good Big Bad with style. I also liked him being the Half-Blood Prince, being more than a Slytherin oddball. Snape being an excellent wizard, having good friends (Narcissa), being rational and funny (2nd chapter) - having other feelings than hatred (loyalty towards the Malfoys), caring about people - even if these people are bad. That was great in this book.


I think that I never thought Snape was good. He's a man of constant conflict.

I think people "love" Snape because:


1. They appreciate the conflicts in him, he's intriguing. He's a good interesting character.

2. They think they can save him if he only loved them. [thinks of all the ridiculous fan fics out there]

3. They like Alan Rickman, so now they like Snape. :lol:


He's still an oddball. He definitely had an interest in potions that went far. Thus in a world and age when fitting in with peers is the norm, he had the strength to follow what was right for him. This made him odd at the time he was at school.


Don't forget DD was a teacher when Snape was at Hogwarts. I'm certain DD understands Snape much better then the rest of us ever will.





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I'd like to split off this topic, I think. I'm going to make an outrageous comment that I'm sure will be quite inflammatory.


I love HP. This last book is the best of the six. That being said:


I don't think that Rowling is all that great a shake as a writer.


I think that J.K. Rowling is the George Lucas of the literary world. She has a great story and her initial forays into that story were quite original, very meaty, and promised a great deal to come. HBP was a very easy, enjoyable read ... it could have been more, and I've seen some fan fiction that quite frankly blows it out of the water.


Unlike a lot of people, I guess, I was totally SHOCKED by the identity of the HBP and the identity of the killer. I've been finished with this book for over two days and I still cannot stop thinking about it. This is her strength.


Has anyone read the interviews with her? I really don't understand her lack of humility, her seeming lack of respect for other writers of this genre, and her apparent (or feined) ignorance of the fact that so much of HP is "borrowed" from so many other sources. At least when Stephen King writes a book and starts using other writer's themes and devices, he'll give credit to those folks in interviews, forewords, sometimes right in the TEXT of the book.


I also find it grating that she makes these statements like, "I never could finish Lord of the Rings or C.S. Lewis work" like that is something to be proud of. Granted, that stuff is a little hard to read, but it is certainly worth the trip.


Can you imagine what Harry's story could have been had it been written by a really awesome writer?


:lol: Now, burn me in effigy, if you must. I'm 40 years old .... I can take it.

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Now, burn me in effigy.




Your posts regarding DS9 are far too brilliant for anyone to do that. :lol:



LMAO @ Madame Butterfly's HP avatar!!!!!! :dude: :lol: :lol:



I think King is [their] role model... and that's [saying] something.


I think so too.


Is the King evil then? Looking for role models?


Oh absolutely.


(that's my answer to both questions) :lol:

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I am 24..My dad is 57


no worries about being an older fan


Most people who love the books are not kids


So i shall stand beside you and get crucified too


Should be fun :lol:

Edited by Ambassador tinadoll

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love this HP avatar. 


May be offensive to some.


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Now that is worth getting up this morning for! :roflmao:

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love this HP avatar. 


May be offensive to some.


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LOL. I would love to actually use that somewhere! :roflmao:

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^^Isn't that the truth?


One of the things that annoys me most about posting on HP boards is the complete MISUNDERSTANDING of half the material in the books! Harry and Hermione as a couple ????? Ridikulus! I'm so glad that they've all been slapped down in this very public and satisfying way .... both by the contents of HBP and by the post-HBP interviews with Rowling herself.

Edited by gul_nodrog

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Another friend also has a good one with Trelawny saying "even I saw that one coming", unfortunately she's on vacation and not using it at the moment so I can't copy it.


I'll bring it over when she's back.

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Right click on them, hit save picture as.


Open a free account at photobucket, enter it there and it will give you three different types of "tags" to use.


If you are going to use it as a sig use the IMG


for a avatar the middle option is yours




I just saw someone talking about Harry and Madame Pince as shippers. YUCK!!!

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Well some of the shippers definitely have some "questionable" couples, or trios! :flowers:


Though I thought I heard the Remus and Sirius shippers scream with glee in Movie 3 when it appeared they were going to kiss in the shrieking shack. :dude:

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nope thats not me thank you very much


But i am a Ron/Hermione shipper- They better get to gether or i will scream

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