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What was the first episode of TNG ...

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Encounter at farpoint....

I was there in front of the tv the night the show debuted....


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Encounter at Farpoint, when it first aired. I had been waiting for so long for a new Trek series....... :tear:

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I remember watching "Encounter at Farpoint" when it originally aired.I was so excited about a new Star Trek series that I turned down a date that night to stay home and watch tv.I recall not being overly impressed with TNG that night,and for much of the first couple of seasons.Then all of a sudden,sometime in the 3rd season the writing seemed to pick-up,the characters developed more depth,and everything improved.That's why I'm holding out hope that Enterprise will overcome all of the negativity and blossom into something special.Not that I'm among the Enterprise haters crowd,far from it.I think Enterprise is a fine show,with an excellent cast.

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My sister and I watched Encounter at Farpoint the first night it aired. We had already bought the action figures before the show even started. ;)
Do you still have them?

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Encounter At Farpoint. Watched it the night it aired and recorded it on

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Encounter At Farpoint. Watched it the night it aired and recorded it on
I don't think we have VHS in 1987, I don't think we got our first VHS until 1988. I don't remember if we recorded it to Beta or not. We probably did though.

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My sister and I watched Encounter at Farpoint the first night it aired. We had already bought the action figures before the show even started. ;)
Do you still have them?

If we do they're probably in my parents attic somewhere.

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Encounter At Farpoint a couple of days before it officially aired. A friend recorded it from the satellite feed to the TV stations. Ahh for the good old days of 10 foot dishes and unencrypted feeds. We watched all of TNG before it aired on regular TV.

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Encounter At Farpoint a couple of days before it officially aired. A friend recorded it from the satellite feed to the TV stations. Ahh for the good old days of 10 foot dishes and unencrypted feeds. We watched all of TNG before it aired on regular TV.
I too used to watch a lot of shows in that way. I watched all of TNG from late 1990 till the end of the series and some of DS9 that way as well as Quantum Leap and a lot of NFL football.

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Can't remember. I don't think it was Encounter at Farpoint. At the time I was young and I thik what caught my attention was the ships. It is likely the episodes that first had me go 'whoa!' were some if the early Romulan and Borg episodes.

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On a Saturday Night at 7 P.M on ABC I saw the 2 Part-Opener of ST:TNG:"Encounter At Farpoint"when it first aired seeing what this next Chapter in the Trek Universe was going to be like after watching the reruns on CBC of the TOS series and after seeing ST:IV in the Cinema (Loved and Enjoyed the Cameo of Admiral Mccoy at the end of Encounter At Farpoint part 2) During the early days of the show also bought a Die Cast Model of the ("U.S.S ENTERPRISE NCC-1701-D")




B) :) :thumbs:

Edited by LoveMalePecs1

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Even at my young age, I watched Encounter at Farpoint when it debuted. Fell in love with the crew of the Enterprise-D!! Still watch TNG all the time!!

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