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Ever do something you wish you hadn't?

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I have. I used to moderate a board, did something completely hare-brained, put someone at risk, and there is a part of me that months, and we are talking lots of them, I am still kicking me.

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"and there is a part of me that months, and we are talking lots of them,"


:laugh: Excuse me? I don't get that part.



Yes, I've made mistakes, plenty of them.

Edited by Alterego

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Yes I have.

dragonwrangler been a long time since i heard that one. :laugh:

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have. I used to moderate a board, did something completely hare-brained, put someone at risk, and there is a part of me that months, and we are talking lots of them, I am still kicking me.



I'm sorry UA, but there are some parts of that sentence that seem to be missing for me to comprehend it correctly. :laugh:

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Ok I did something an idiot would consider stupid, I put someone at risk, by revealing their location and months, a lot of months, since, I still feel bad about it

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I think that's understandable, you are a person of moral standing, and your actions speak loudly of who you are and you regret this.


Wait until you have children, it will be worse. :wink2:

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OK the end result was it was a minor I jeapordised and I was demotted from modship and then banned from the site. I have appologised many times, the woman who co owned the site and whose child I jeapordised has refused to accept or at least tell me she does. I understand. I am just not going to appologise any more.

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Well, some people can just be stubborn and ... dumb!


I have done some things that i regret, like a couple times where i had the chance to take advantage of something i should have(nothing bad, you pervs!)

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Well then, her not being able to accept your apology and see your remorse speaks more about her than it does you UA.


If she can't forgive, than she will eventually have to face this later on.


The Universe has a way of bringing lessons home in a huge way.


Don't beat yourself up.


You've acknowledged what you did wrong.


You took the proper steps many times to try to find a resolution.


She is the one with an issue not you


In your heart, you know you've done everything you could. Find peace with that.

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Thats the thing. I won't forgive me, she labelled me a security risk, which cut me to the core.

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Well you did do something you aren't proud of.


But she is wrong not to forgive you.


It's a deep lesson for you UA.


You have to learn to forgive yourself.

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I blamed God for making me sterile. It really isn't His fault,I chose this body and someday I know God and I will have to work on me to help me let go of the anger, heartache, and pain.

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Crystal, I have the feeling he understands you, and I have the feeling that he gets us women when we curse them for giving pain like childbirth, severe period cramps etc. (mostly gynaecological)

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Well you did do something you aren't proud of.


But she is wrong not to forgive you.


It's a deep lesson for you UA.


You have to learn to forgive yourself.



But how does one forgive oneself? I always had my forgiveness as related to another forgiving me, because it is at that point that i feel that I can allow and permit myself to forgive me.

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As long as you give her the power, you will feel horrible.


You are the one in control of your life UA, not this woman, not your Dad, no one but you.


For me sometimes it's been shedding alot of tears over something, recognizing how guilty I feel, measuring how likely I am to make the same mistake again.


The fact is, is once you make a decision to act, you can never take it back.


You recognize that your choice wasn't your best.


You recognize that you won't do it again.


Recognize that this experience has made you become a better individual.


That's one of the first steps in forgiving yourself.


And then set out with confidence that you won't make that mistake again.


Then time will help you forgive yourself.


Avoiding the issue won't help.


Embrace it, run through it straight on, and you will have faced it and gotten over it.

Edited by Madame Butterfly

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I'd like to meet the person who has never done something he/she wish he/she hadn't. I do it all the time. As long as you learn from it, you will become a better person because of it.

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Like yes I have. Take today for example: I always hold doors open for people and when I did it today I smacked it into him and his folders and boxes he was carrying went everywhere. likewise, he was too busy to notice it was me! opps..... B)

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my classroom is a big computer workshop split into 3 "section" like rooms so three classes can be in ecah secton at one time. you can walk past the other section without opening doors- you can walk straight through.

its a nightmare on some days because we do art in the centre section on the table- some on the computer, some on the big table. i always spill the glue or the paint and mess things up on the computer. i even got ink on my lecturer once- the bottle went everywhere!! i just wish i haven't done these clumbsy mistakes.

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i wish i was goo- at least i wouldn't get dislocated knees or knocked over or *NEW* threatened. B)

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