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Lesson 1

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Lesson 1


Starts: Sunday 5/25/03




1. Have a basic understanding of how to pronounce all of the vowels

2. Have a basic understanding of how to pronounce some words

3. To have an understanding of how the basic suffixes work

4. Understanding the concept of “object-verb-subject”

5. To create simple sentences in tlhIngan Hol




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Like I said we will be starting the process of learning this language (and for having fun) on Sunday. Will we start with lesson 1 and move up and onward from there.


For pronunciation as you know we really can’t practice this here and so I really just recommend that you practice that on your own.


Refer to pages 13-17 in The Klingon Dictionary




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Lesson 1

Klingon Language Postal Course


The Klingon Language was developed by Marc Okrand for several Star Trek Films and has continued to be used in each spin-off series. The Language is described fully in The Klingon Dictionary by Marc Okrand and for purposes of these lessons it is assumed you already have a copy. If not, the dictionary may be purchased at your local bookstore or from the KLI itself by visiting our merchant page at


Thought this course references will be made to the dictionary by chapters and sections.

Example: (4,2.7) refers to chapter 4, section 2.7




This lesson does not go in depth into the proper pronunciation of Klingon words. Pages 13-17 of TKD descbies how each consonant and vowel are best pronounced in order to speak tlhIngan Hol coherently.


You’ll become better at speaking tlhIngan Hol the more you practice. We highly recommend you review the pronunciation guide regularly, and pratice saying each lesson aloud in order to polish your skills. Speaking tlhIngan Hol properly is not for the meek (1, 1.1-1.3). Learn to project every work with strength even if it might be mispronounced at first.


The work order of tlhIngan Hol is the reverse of English. Where we would say “I see the officer” (subject-verb-object) in tlhIngan Hol you would instead arrange it as “The officer see I” (object-verb-subject).



We began with a few illustrations of construction of Nouns. A noun can have up to five five different suffixes attached to it (Types 1 through 5).


Type 1 suffixes, when used, always immediately follow the noun. These suffixes indicate size. -‘a’ for augmenting a noun, and –Hom for diminishing its size or importance.



juH = home

JuH’a’ = mansion

juHHom = cottage


Suffix Type 2 deals with plurals. Any plural that refers to beings that use language must end in -pu’



tera’nganpu’ = Earthers

verenganpu’ = Ferengi

vulqanganpu’ = Vulcans

juppu’ = friends


When referring to parts of the body the suffix –du’ is used to indicate the plural.



Ho’Du’ = teeth

ghopDu’ = hands

nIthlhDu’ = fingers


Finally, for everything else (i.e., neither language users nor body parts), -mey is used.



Sajmey = pets

navmey = papers

mu’mey = words



Verbs are unique because they have a prefix that indicates both subject and object. The result can be one word that is an entire sentence.



qa - (pfx) subj: I / obj: you

jatlh (v) speark

qajatlh = I speak to you


This lesson we will begin with four of the verb prefixes.



Subject: I

Object: None

Example: jIlaj = I accept



Subject: You

Object: None

Example: bInep = You lie



Subject: I

Object: You

Example: qaqIp = I hit you



Subject: You

Object: Me

Example: choQah = You help me


Like the nouns, Klingon verbs also make use of suffixes. One such suffix, from the class of suffixes known as “rovers,” is -B]be’[/b] which is used for negating the verb.



Ji - (pfx) subj: I / obj: none

nep = (v) lie (fib)

[/b]-be[/b] = (sfx) not


jInepbe’ = I am not lying



I highly recommend that you print out the three pages at




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mu’tay’ [Vocabulary]


tlhIngan [Klingon]

juH [Home]

tera’ [Earth, Terra]

vulqan [Vulcan (planet)]

nav [paper]

jatlh [speak, say]

qIp [hit]

lob [obey]

Such [visit]


Hol [language]

Jup [friend]

tera’ngan [Earther, Terran]

vulqangan [Vulcan (person)]

Ho’ [tooth]

yIn [life / live]

nep [lie]

‘oy’ [hurt (noun, verb)]

ghoj [learn]

ghaj [have]


mu’ [word]

Doch [thing]

Saj [pet]

nIthlh [finger]

ghop [hand]

laj [accept]

legh [see]

QaH [help]

ghItlh [write]




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My Short-Hand Notes:


Lesson 1

tlhIngan Hol


These are my personal short hand notes. They are here to help everyone.

I hope people join in soon to participate!




Sentence Structure:





Suffixes (Letters added at end of a word)

--Type 1


‘a = big

Hom = small


--Type 2

Plural (More then one)

Beings --> pu

Parts of body --> Du

Anything else --> mey



Prefix w/ subject + object


Kl | Subject | Object

jI | I | None

bI |You | None

Qa | I | You

cho |You | me (I)




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