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~ Why Does Trouble Always Seem to Come in Threes?

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Things go along smoothly for a while. You get to feeling ok with things, then all of a sudden everything seems to crumble around you. Is it just me or does this happen to other people too. :rolleyes:

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Sometime happens to me. It always seems like it happens in threes because we are more sanative at time.

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300s maybe. But not threes. No, despite the says, at least in my life, trouble comes in large clumps with short breaks in between. At least, it has been that way since I was eight. So, in a way, yes Jeanway, that does happen to others, just maybe not in threes.

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OK, let me add this too. Whenever most of us hear about someone we know or knew dying, it always seems to come in 3's too.

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Troubles are like nuns, they travel in packs.  My Auntie, a former nun told me that. :blink:



LMAO! *looks around the conner and hopes there is no nun with a ruler* :rolleyes:

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OK, it was Rodney Dangerfield last week, Christoper Reeve this week, one more to go sadly. :) :(

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I've noticed that things do seem to run in cycles. I used to not give much thought to bad things happening in 3s, my aunt and grandmother always told me that people die in 3s but I didn't really notice it. Now though, I do think that there's something to it maybe. It's almost like once in a while someone decides that they need to reshuffle the deck.


Trouble almost seems like the weather, a bad front will roll in and hover over you for a while then when you think it's never going to clear up, the clouds part and you have several days of good. I always try to remind myself that bad times can't last forever. And I eat chocolate, that takes the edge off of trouble real well. :(

Edited by fenriz275

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When you're in a good mood you don't tend to notice the bad, but when something really bad happens you start noticing all the bad things.

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OK, it was Rodney Dangerfield last week, Christoper Reeve this week, one more to go sadly. :)  :)


I just figured out who was the third. Rodney Dangerfield, Christopher Reeves, and Marlon Brando. :) Although it's been a little while since Marlon Brando died.

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When you're in a good mood you don't tend to notice the bad, but when something really bad happens you start noticing all the bad things.



Good observation nem. Kind of puts you in a certain mind-set doesn't it?

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