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~ Do You Beat Yourself Up? ~

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It serves NO purpose. There are enough things in life that will do that for you :) You need to do things for yourself to make yourself feel better. It's hard out there and you need reinforcing not more beatings. Do you get enough sleep? Get some exercise? Treat yourself to the things that make you happy? The heck with what everyone tells you, no one knows YOU better than YOU do. If you feel like nobody loves you, go get a pet. :) Do you write down the things that bother you? That will help those feeling to feel less burdensome. "A problem shared is a problem halved." Even if you just share it with a piece of paper, it really DOES help.


How do you NOT beat yourself up?

Edited by Jeanway

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I do still to this day. My wife really gets mad at me when I do. She thinks I am a rare jewel of a husband and father. Before I met her I had one of the lowest self-esteem problems you could imagine, after 11 almost 12 years of marriage she has me feeling pretty good about myself. I find talking to family and friends about my problems can help, but talking to God is the way that works best for me.

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I agree, I talk to God all the time, He is always there. Most people call that Prayer. :) :)

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Prayer, Exactly. Do you ever find your Trek fandom and your religous beliefs come into conflict with each other? I know that's kind of a tough question don't feel obligated to answer if you don't want to.

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Absolutely NOT. If He created the Earth he also created everything else. The Universe is just a Macrocausm of Earth. I think that's what Roddenberry had in mind, don't you?

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Ijust sit here and type about nothing, dont share any of my problems because they just disapear (Or a forget about them) whil im on the internet talking with my freinds.

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I agree Jeanway. I think Christians who think we are the only life in the Universe are conceited and put themselves to largly in Gods eyes. I mean the bible does not mention every insect and every animal and every plant God created. Why would it mention every species. I think it might have been left out on purpose because people of biblical times would not have understood the concept of "Aliens"

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Doesn't it say He created the Heavens and the Earth? Where is everything else in relationship to Earth, but in the heavens, meaning Out There. :) The Firmament in the Void???

Edited by Jeanway

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I can beat myself up on occassion, but it's mainly when I think I've hurt the feelings of a friend. Anything else, I try to just roll with it. For me, it's prayer and talking to friends that help.


Airies: I've thought about that before, but I don't think it does, for me at least. I just see it as a work of fiction that's fun to watch.

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I do a great deal of the the time. It stems from lack of education to not being able to give Daniel children. I often feel I'm at fault for things I am powerless to change. Daniel says he loves me for me and he didn't marry me for children. I see a Therapist once or twice a month about my feelings and lack of direction. Also I feel like an outcast in our church's relief society so rarely do I go to the class. Life is hard when you start at a disadvantage and just when you think you can succeed you end up training someone and you later find out that they are going to be your boss. :laugh:

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OH MY :bow::laugh: Sorry BC this is hanging so heavy on you. But you know that saying: "The grass is always greener." I have come to the conclusion that there are so many things in life we CAN do, some we can't. So I try to concentrate on the things I CAN do, instead of beating myself up over something I can't change. That's a never-ending road. I guess to some people having children is a number one priority, but if you can't then maybe you need to let it go, or do what you have to to change it. I've heard of women of make the decision NOT to have children and find their happiness in other pursuits.

Edited by Jeanway

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Im beating my self up now because ive just relised just how unfit i am. Cant even run 1 Mile anymore without feeling like im gonna collapse. So im gonna get me an excercise programme to get me back up to how i was before and maby get beyond it. Wish me luck.

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Not with the severity and regularity that I used to. There are enough people around to pick up the slack for me. ^_^

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