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The Red Shirts

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I hope you enjoy my short story.


Somewhere on the Enterprise Bones walks into a very large room . The lights are dim and quiet music is playing the back round. McCoy couldn't decide if it was Mozart or Bach. The music didn't matter to him. He had a job to do.


He truly disliked coming into this room. The knowledge what the future holds for those who occupy this space was close to being unspeakable. The doctor knows his duty to Starfleet, and will perform them to of best his abilities. That doesn't mean he has to like what he is doing.


He walks around the room with a very large pail his hand as if watering some plants. When he look down and saw some of the new red shirts starting to growing. Just few more days and they will be ready for service. He just wished that Kirk didn't go through all them so quickly!

Edited by Odie

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yeah! well done Odie!

Thank you for reading my story! :flex:

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So that's where they all come from!

Thank you for reading my story! :flex:

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I would like to thank everyone who has read my short story. :b-day: Your comments mean a lot to me! :rolleyes:

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