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why is everyone here so happy?

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I just want to clarify - depression and being depressed are two different things. I don't know which you're talking about, RK.


As to being happy, I'm a basically optimistic person. Add to that my faith and the fact that I have one of the world's best families, and the world's best friends, what happens during the day is blunted. Now, besides that, Star Trek is my escape, like so many others have said. I've survived a lot because I let myself get caught up in a story where, no matter how bad problems are, the human race survives and people grow.


When I came to this board to visit for a few days, I half-way expected it to be like or the board that I came from, where you could be attacked without provocation and you really had to be careful who you talked to and what you talked about. There are a few people here I don't agree with, but on the open boards, for the most part, things have been relatively peaceful. Thank you, VBG and mods!

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The last 10 days have not been so nice for me but atleast i could come here and have some fun with people i call friends thats what makes this place so special to me cause i know when i am a little bit down i can come here and some one will cheer me up :picard-sith:

But i am in a gooood mooood today things are looking up for me so i cant complain about anything :jaw::clap::jaw:

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"Happliness is an emotional response that I cannot provide." :picard-sith:

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Something I didn't talk about in my earlier reply. When I'm down and I go to someone and tell them what the problem is, let's say I feel lonely. Then that person starts telling me how many friends they have and what a great family they have. This does not help me. :picard-sith: It only makes me feel worse. By pointing out what a great life they have only makes me feel worse. So when someone comes to me with a problem I try more to identify with their problem and not try to puff myself up. It's like if someone comes to you who have lost their feet, let's say through and accident. They feel bad. I don't go dancing around in front of them showing them how great feet are. See what I'm saying? I was in a crazy mood yesterday and may have done that. I'm sorry, but I too have my down days. It's like I'm in a deep, dark hole and I can't crawl out. But in time someone or something comes along with just the rope [thread] that will be thrown down to me and I can pull myself up. I really hope your starting to feel better soon :clap::jaw:

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