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Heritage Poll

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I used the word Poll in the title, but it's not that kind of a Poll, a poll can also mean a survey.

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:P I'm mostly German, but I have a little of everything European in the mix, pretty much! lol

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like t'mir, I'm pretty much a general European mix. My dad was adopted and doesn't know (nor wants to know) who his biological parents are, but I think it's safe to assume that he's mostly of European decent because he has very fair skin and when he was little his hair was VERY light blonde(it darkened as he older, now it's dark brown...and gray) My great-grandmother on my mom's side was full-blooded Itailian, her husband was English. They had 4 kids, 3 of which had the characteristic Italian dark hair and eyes, the one who turned out to be my grandfather got his dad's genes: blonde hair and blue eyes, but he still had the big "Itailian" nose. My grandmother is Irish and I'm not sure what else. So that makes me English, Irish, a little Itailian, and some other stuff.

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My grandparents, their parents and my parents were/are all German. So, not much to tell here. :P :P




Mrs. Captain Picard

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I don't know for sure but I've always been told German and French. I can't tell you how many times I've been asked if I have a french accent and I have to say "No, that's just a lisp." blah.gif I think the next time somebody asks me that I'll just say "oui oui"

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I'm mostly English and Scottish, with a little possible Irish thrown in. If you go to the early 1700's, I might have a little French, but we're not sure yet.

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On my mother's side, her parents were both born in the States. My grandmother in Washington State and my grandfather in Missouri. My grandmother's family travelled between Canada and the States quite so some of her siblings were born in Canada and some in the States. My grandmother's mother was from Germany and her father was a German in Russia. My grandfather's parents were both born in the States.


On my father's side, my grandfather was born in Scotland and my grandmother in Ontario. My grandmother's father was from Northumberland, England. I haven't been able to trace my grandmother's mother but her surname was German.

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on my mom's side: German, Norwegian, Danish, Scottish, Cree Indian, Polish, Irish, and Welsh, and a little bit Russian. (I have relatives, never met them, still living in Denmark)


on my dad's side: German and Norwegian, with a little bit of Irish. My grandfather was from Norway (and I still have relatives, though I never met them, living in Norway).

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My parents were both born in Newfoundland, Canada. And the generations before that until who knows when were from Newfoundland as well. And before that, my family comes from Ireland.

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Fathers side is 100% German.Formely of the Wolcott family,realtive to Oliver Wolcott signer of teh Declartion of Independece.


Mothers side-a little russian,british,cherokee,other native american, and a little humptulips redneck as my grandpa used to say(inside joke).

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I'm mostly Scottish, with a little bit of Seminole Indian. My grandmother was 1/2 Seminole, 1/2 Scottish. Everyone else in my bloodline has been 100% Scottish.

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My mother is Puerto rican and Italian


My father is Jewish with Eastern European decent(Russian and Romanian)

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Mom was Soctish.French. English. Dad was American Indain. English

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RC... tu parles le francais?

my dad was born in poland.. so his whole family is/was polish

my mom was born in Montreal, PQ, so was my grandma and grandpa on that side was born in BC.. other than that my grandpas side is from england my grandmas is romania

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RC... tu parles le francais?

um.....uh......oui oui....i think :)


What did I just say yes to?

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well my mom was adopted, but on my pops side i am well a bit of a mutt, but scott, irish, english, and french are a large part of it. but i like to embrace the irish part.

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I'm also a mutt, I guess. :)


You'd hafta go pretty far back, but I'd say a little Cherokee, a little German, a little Irish, a little French, etc.... :)

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