Angel of Darkness

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Posts posted by Angel of Darkness

  1. i havent moved from my home town but my mom is gona move to live with her boyfriend ina nother town which will probably be next year. i'm gonna see if Im gonna get my GCSE's out of the way first as I'm doing 2 a year early. I sort of like where I live butr I would like to move

  2. the bird that lives with me has moved house 3 times and when me and my mom go away it goes to stay with my nana and my other budgie :rolleyes:


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    that's both of them together. Blue one is a boy who talks called Dinky :laugh: White one is a girl who don't talk called Dinky :hug: How original hehe. My mom had 2 budgies that were yellow both called Dinky!

  3. Wishfire, I am a bird lover who has had many parakeets, cockatiels and parrots.  A the present I own a small parrot, that I call Seven...........named of course after Seven of 9........Anyway, parakeets like most birds from the parrot family are very smart.  They can be tamed, taught all kinds of tricks.  The males can even learn to talk.....Their little voices are not strong like the larger birds........but they can be understood.......They are affectionate, and can become very attached to their owners...........They can live up to 10 years, if well taken care of.  Baby parakeets can be tamed very easily.......But my advice to you, is to go to a large pet shop, where there is lots of information about pets, and get a book about parakeets.......Because, you also need to know  about the kind of environment and foods to keep it healthy....If I can be of further help you can always  send me a personal message.....Good luck :flex:


    (just toneing down ya size)


    I'm a bird owner. 2 six year old Budgerigars who put up my hyperness :flex: One of them lives with my and the other lives at my nana's they're cute lil things! (cant find a pic of both of them but here is the budgie that lives with me - he's called Dinky and is a boy)

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    Anyway they puyt up with my hyperness and madness and so I the parakeet could be fine (depends who'se more hyper though hehe )